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Intents When a new Activity is started, an Intent object is created and passed to that Activity The Intent object contains information about what the Activity is meant to do, and any data it needs in order to do it When the Launcher starts an application, it looks for the Activity with the “MAIN” action Review: Starting a new Activity Create an Intent object with a reference to a Context (this) and the Class that represents the new Activity Add any key/value pairs to the Intents Bundle by calling putExtra Call startActivity or startActivityForResult and pass the Intent and the request code (int) Review: Finishing an Activity Create an Intent object (empty constructor) Call putExtra with key/value pairs or putExtras with a Bundle object (where key/val pairs were set with putString) Call setResult with the result code (usually either RESULT_OK or RESULT_CANCELED) and the Intent Call finish() Review: Returning from an Activity onActivityResult is called in the calling Activity, with the request code, result code, and Intent object as parameters Use request code to figure out which Activity it is thats returning (in case you created more than one) Use Intent object to get back any “return values” Words of Wisdom In general, an Activity should be as self-contained as possible E.g., responsible for its own persistence, instead of passing data along to the caller Activity The user may click the “Back” button, and the callee Activity may not finish the way you want it to Look out for null values in the Intent object in the onActivityResult method Threads Android will show an “ANR” error if a View does not return from handling an event within 5 seconds Or, if some code running in the “main thread” prohibits UI events from being handled This means that any long-running code should run in a background thread However, background threads are not allowed to modify UI elements! How Android threading works Create a class that extends AsyncTask To start the new thread,


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