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MICE Industry Presented by Dr. Chuck Yim Gee School of Travel Industry Management University of Hawaii at Manoa Before the Faculty and Students of The College of Tourism Chung Hua University Lecture series – December 3 to 7, 2007 What is Mice? Definitions and measurement定義與測量: Meetings: 10 to 10,000 people meeting to exchange information usually in a commercial venue 會議:規模約10-1000人聚集在一起交換資訊,開會地點通常是在商 業場所 Incentives: company sponsored trip to reward employees for outstanding service, productivity, or sales 公司為鼓勵員工的表現,所舉辦的一種特殊的旅遊經驗和集會的方式 Convention/Congress (European term): Very large, usually members-related, gatherings meeting to discuss industry or professional issues in a major venue 會議:規模大、人數多、聚集在一特定場所,討論產業或專業議題 Exhibitions: Showcase events to exhibit new products/services for specific industry, government, or professional groups 展覽:為特定產業、政府或專業團體展示新產品或服務的展示活動 Others其他: Mega-events: Asian games, World Cup, Olympics, World’s Fair under sponsorship of a world association attracting 100,000-250,000 visitors 超大型活動:由全球性組織所贊助之活動,通常能吸引10-25萬名參 觀者,如亞運、世界盃、奧運等 Scope/Measurement Scope 範圍(ICCA report): 400,000 initial meetings and exhibitions held annually worldwide with market value of USD $280 billion 全球每年約舉辦40萬場會議及展覽,產值達2800億美元 Projected growth of 20% per year; More realistically 7-15 of total tourism traffic 年成長率約20% ,較觀光旅遊之7-15 % 高 90/10 factor: 10% spent on event itself, 90% on transportation, dining, entertainment, and shopping 90//10 要素: 10% 花費在活動本身; 90%花費在交通餐飲、娛樂及購物 Scope/Measurement MICE measurement is unreliable _ Proposed study by UNWTO as addition to Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) of GDPs Alternative measurements相關測量 Supply side = Based on production – income (fees commissions), cost, value addition, employment (ISIC Code), government contribution 供給面:以產品面為基礎,如收入、價格、附加價值、就業及政府投入 Demand side = Based on consumption – Los, hotel nights, average party size, distance traveled 需求面:以消費面為基礎,如飯店住宿、宴會規模、旅程等 Chart


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