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Software Project Management Software Project Management Lecture 5 Software Project Risk Management Overview Project risks Nature of risks Risk identification Risk estimation Risk evaluation Risk management Risk reduction strategies Project Risks Factors that cause a project to be delayed or to run over-budget Nature of Project Risks Planning assumptions Estimation errors Eventualities不测之事 Planning Assumptions Why assumptions Uncertainties in early stages of the project Planning Assumptions (cont’d) Common assumption: “Everything goes smoothly” symptom Software is OK Design is perfect the first time Coding is ‘nearly perfect’ Planning Assumptions (cont’d) Guidelines List all the assumptions Identify the effects of these assumptions on the project if they are no longer valid Estimation Errors Difficult to have accurate size or time estimations Lack of experience of similar tasks Lack of historical data Nature of the task Estimation Error (cont’d) Estimation can be improved by analyzing historic data for similar tasks and similar projects Keep historic data of your estimations and the actual performance Compare your estimations and the actual values Classify the tasks that are easy or difficult to estimate accurately Eventualities Unexpected and unimaginable events Common unexpected events Hardware cannot be delivered on time Requirements specification needs to be rewritten Staffing problems Boehm’s Risk Engineering Risk Identification Identify the hazards that might affect the duration or resource costs of the project Hazard ? Problem ? Risk A hazard is an event that might occur and will create a problem for the successful completion of the project, if it does occur Hazard, Problem and Risk Hazard: Mary’s baby may be born early Problem: Modules P and Q will have no coder. Risk: Milestone 7 will be delayed, or extra budget will be needed to hire another coder. Risk Identification (cont’d) Type of risks Generic risk (common to all projects) Standard checklist can be mod


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