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第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 1.副词、介词短语作插入语时的位置 类似于副词作状语时在句中的位置,在句首、句尾,也可插在句中 However, the following factors must be taken into account. Digital information, However, consists of discrete numerical values. The ripple is very much reduced by the double filtering action, However. 第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 2.具有主谓结构的插入语 (1)处于主句中的情况,一般处于主语或连系动词之后,由逗号分开。 This book is, we hope, a concise introduction to communications systems. The Special Revision Units will, it is hoped, constitute a valuable aid in the task of consolidation. 第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 2.具有主谓结构的插入语 (2)处于定语从句中的情况,一般跟在从句主语后,有时由逗号分开,一般没有逗号分开 Ohm’s law has a few forms which it will be found are very useful. In this case Ic varies little with UCE,which we think is very important. 第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 2.具有主谓结构的插入语 (3)采用祈使句形式出现在句中,最常见的是say,let us say等 Well-grounded students can absorb Chapter 4 and 5 in say three weeks. The pump creates pressure of,let us say,forty pounds per square inch. We try to make x drop below say 5. 第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 1.一定要使用no,none,neither等表示全否定 None of these problems can be solved at once. No book is perfect. Neither of the devices is good in quality. 第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 2.使用every,both,all等与not连用来表示部分否定而不能表示全否定 All these values are not correct. Both books are not suitable. Students are not familiar with all these problems. 第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 1.在有“by+时间”的句中应该使用完成时态 By the time students graduate,they will have taken up 30 course in all. 2.用现在完成进行时来强调“一直在进行某项工作”的含义 These days he has been conducing an important test,but he has not finished it yet. 3.句中有具体的过去时间时只能由一般过去式,而不能用过去完成时 In the 1940’s,they designed the first generation of electronic computers. 第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 1.没有被动语态的几种情况 不及物动词、不及物短语动词(take place)、具有被动含义的不及物短语动词(consist of)以及具有被动含义的动宾结构的短语动词(find use(application)in)和有些表示状态、特征的及物动词(have)均没有被动语态形式。 第二节 插入语、否定、时态、语态 2.一种常用的表示法 在科技文中表示“人们……”时一般应使用被动语态句或用one作主语的主动句 As early as the 1820’s it had been realized that this metal could be used in industry.


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