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第27讲 陈述句(Statement)、疑问句(Question)、祈使句(Command)、感叹句(Exclamation)(P310)陈述句(Statement) Affirmative Statement(肯定陈述句)Negative Statement(否定陈述句)疑问句(Question)一般疑问句(General Questions/Yes-noQuestions)特殊疑问句(Special Questions/ Wh-questions)选择疑问句(Alternative Questions) 附加疑问句(Tag Questions)Affirmative Statement1.委婉语气(Mild Tone):达到更有礼貌,说话留有余地的目的。例:I’m afraid, if I’m not mistaken, I think,I suppose,I guess,I suspect,if I might say so,if you please,if you don’t mind Eg): Teaching 16 hours a week, I’m afraid, is too much for me.2.强调语气(Positive Tone):达到加强肯定的目的。(1)增加强调词(Emphasizer):indeed,really,definitely,certainly, for sure, without any question, without doubt, undoutedly, virtually, surely, actuallyEg): (1)Many people will certainly lose their jobs. (2)Without any question, his new novel will be the best-seller for 2010.(2)增添强调附加结构(Reinforcement Tag)Eg): 1.That was a trap, that was. 2.You’ve gone mad, you have.(3)采用双重否定(Double Negative)Eg):1. That kind of result is not impossible(= quite possible) 2.She went to that place not infrequently.(=quite frequently)(4)用修辞疑问句(Rhetorical Question)——形式上为疑问句实际为陈述句的强调句式。(1)Isn’t it lovely weather today?= The weather is very lovely indeed.(否定形式相当于受强调的肯定陈述句)(2)Who cares where you slept?= Nobody cares where you slept.(肯定形式相当于受强调的否定陈述句)Negative Statement1.否定形式:(1)主语+操作词的缩略形式+not 操作词+not的缩略形式n’t. (2)除not以外用其他否定词构成否定句Eg):1. No honest man would lie= An honest man would not lie 2. He is no longer there= He is not there any longer 3.She saw neither of the twin brothers.= She didn’t see either of the twin brothers.2.加强否定(Strengthen Negative Mood)(1)否定词移动引起倒装(The Invertion of Negative Word)1.On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals.2.Never have I smoked a cigarette.(2)not one/not a (single)+单数名词1.Not one door was left unlocked.2.Not a single sound was heard.(3)固定搭配 (1) I didn’t sleep a wink all night. (2) He won’t fit /raise/stir a finger to help us.(4)重复否定词never或者用never in (all)my life (1) I’ve never in my life heard of such a thin


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