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如果觉得这些句型还不够,还可以有更多的句型来讲开头写得更详细点: 1. People who are against …… hold that___, others, however, contradict that ___ 2. some hold___ while others take it for granted ( firmly believe/ argue/ favor)___ 3. it is held that____, while it is also held that______ 4. as opposed to others who hold that____, a considerable proportion of people claim that____, 这种方法适合于有些议论文的开头。如全文的主要部分是讨论两种对立观点,或介绍作者对某一很有争议性话题的看法,用这种方法开头就很合适。如:   When it comes to reading, some people think that reading selectively is a good way, but some other people do not agree with them, they think that reading extensively is better.(对读书方法的两种不同观点) 考试时碰到这种议论文,大家完全可以从上述两组句型中分别随意抽取一个句子组成一个总结式开头。 用这些句型组合来应对2005年12月这次四级作文考试:   There is no consensus of opinions among people as to whether the university campus should be open to tourists. As opposed to others who hold that university campus should be reserved for college students, a considerable proportion of people claim that this practice is beneficial. 主体段落和结论段就有更简单的模式:   People who prefer ………………have their reasons: The first reason for their choice is, they maintain, that ………………………………………………………... Besides, ………, they go on to point out, ……………………………………………………... What is more important, ………………………………..they also claim that ………………………………………………………………… But others may not agree. They would argue that …………………………………………;what is worse, they emphasize, ……………………………………………………..(;Finally, they insist that ……………………… Who is right? Of course both sides have their reasons. Were I to offer my choice, I would not hesitate a moment to say that I favor …………After all, ………………………………………… 根据上述模式,考生只需略作思考,用简单的英语“填空”就可以了。   People who prefer (to treat college as destination of tourists)have their reasons: The first reason for their choice is, they maintain, that (this will provide university an extra sum of money, will (can help solve the university financial problem). Besides, (this practice), they go on to point out, (can help college students have conta


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