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19 2 V o.l 19 No. 2 2010 4 JOU RNAL OF NATU RA L DISA STER S A pr. 2010 : 1004 - 4574 20 10) 02- 0032- 08 ) ) ) G IS 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 查 轩 , 黄少燕 , 陈世发 1. , 350007; 2. , 350007) : , , , : , , 5~ 25b, ; , , , ; , : ; ; ; G IS; ; : S157. 2 : A Relationship between erosion of degenerated red soil and terrain slope/aspect: a GIS-based research 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 ZHA X uan , HUANG Shao-yan , CHEN Sh -i fa 1. Fu jian Prov incial K ey Laboratory of Sub trop ical R esources and E nvironm ent, Fuzhou 350007, C hina; 2. Inst itu te of G eography, Fu jian N orm al U nivers ity, Fu zhou 350007, Ch ina) Abstract: So il erosion is one mi portant reason cau sing natura l disaster, th is artic le takes the Zhux i w atershed of Changt ing County, Fu jian P rov ince as a study area where red so il is severely degraded and u ses R S and G IS tech- n iques to analysis the so il erosion o f degraded red so ilw ith d ifferent slope and aspect. T he results show that w hether from the so il erosion area o r from the so il erosion rate and index, so il erosion is m ainly located at the p lace w ith slope degree from 5 b to 25b; On sunny slope and sem -i sunny slope, the so il erosion is seriou s, and the erosion is re latively light on shady and sem -i shady slope, least on flatland. Slope is one mi po rtant reason cau sing degrade


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