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摘要 互联网的大范围应用到现在也就十五年时间。在这不长的一段时间里,互联网企业始终没有找到自己的商业模式,大多是采取照搬线下的模式。大批的网站除了靠提供免费资源和信息来吸引流量外,无所作为。经历了2000年的互联网泡沫之后,我们发现大量优秀的互联网公司横空出世,他们除了优秀的技术和理念外,其商业模式的创新使互联网企业终于找到了符合互联网内在气质和发展规律的商业模式。其中,互联网公司的免费模式在近年来获得了极大的成功,同时这种突破传统商业理论,挑战传统商业思想和观念的商业模式也引起了巨大的争议。本文从免费模式与传统商业理论的不同展开讨论,从互联网行业的特点入手研究免费模式的成因,再讨论免费模式能够成立的内在商业逻辑,通过理论与案例的结合,总结出免费模式的特点和对免费模式趋势的展望。 关键词:互联网,免费,商业模式,免费模式 Abstract It has been only 15 years from now since the wide range application of the Internet. During the not long period, most of the Internet enterprises have followed the off-line practices and failed to find their own business models. A big amount of websites have done nothing except for providing free resources and information to attract flows. After through the Internet bubbles in 2000, we find out that a big number of outstanding Internet companies have emerged in a sensational manner. In addition to advanced techniques and concepts, the innovation of their business models has enabled them to eventually find the business models that are consistent to the nature and evolving laws of the Internet. Among the models, free model of the Internet companies has achieved great success in recent years. In the meanwhile, this kind of business model which breaks through traditional business theories and challenges traditional business concepts causes enormous controversies. This paper starts with the difference between free model and traditional business theories, studies the reasons contributing to free model by looking at the features of the Internet industry, and goes further to discuss the internal business logic of free model being able to exist. With the combination of theories and cases, it makes a summary of the characteristics of free model and displays the prospects of the trend of free model. Key words:Internet,gratis,Business model,Free model 摘要 I Abstract II 1绪论 1 1.1背景和意义 1 1.2文献综述 2 1.3研究方法和思路 6 2免费模式的定义、内容 8 2.1免费模式的定义和内容 8 2.2免费模式的定位和特点 9 3互联网免费模式形成原因探究 11 3.1技术因素推动传统模式向免费模式转变 11 3.2互联网用户需求的变


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