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Foreign Model Recommendation Domestic Model Recommendation Model Hairstyle Recommendation Super model的发型秀美端庄的剧场风格 秀发的柔美多姿与ST.JOHN的简约果断相映成辉 让走秀端庄不失情调 The colorful hair and the plain ST.JOHN garment reflect each other, making the T-show dignified with affective tone. THANKS How is this done through on event? Auction of special gifts autograph by celeb so she could stay longer during the dinner too? In store- Special limited gifts by adding 10yuan for each purchase and goes to charity during 2010? Design reference of gifts? Consider toasting ceremony with celebrity and feature new ad visual and shooting behind the scene footage? Is she our only options? Sharon, please call Andy and check with him if he has other recommendations besides Rusell. Laser will be too distracting for fashion show. Maybe include a timeline for confirmation, if not fall back plan to be decide by when if application does not come through. Cost estimate? * ● 09:30-10:00 st. john记忆长卷欣赏 ST.JOHN Historical Hall ● 10:00-10:15 开场节目 Opera Opening ● 10:15-10:20 新店店长致辞 Storekeeper’ Speech ● 10:15-10:30 嘉宾代表发言 Guest’ Speech ● 10:30-10:35 揭幕仪式 Opening Ceremony ● 10:35-10:50 T台SHOW T-show 流程 AGENDA ● 10:50-11:00 串场节目 Opera Transition ● 11:00-11:01 Video播放 Video ● 11:01-11:20 颁发“St. John女王”王冠 “ST.JOHN QUEEN” Crown Award Presentation Ceremony ● 11:20-11:30 结束曲 Postlude ● 11:30-11:40 抵达新店 Arriving at New Store ● 11:40-12:00 店内活动 Inner Activity 来宾将名字写在背景板空白五线谱上 相信这会是最优美高贵的曲子 Sign the name in the blank staff on the backdrop and it will be the most canorous and honorable melody 来宾签到 Sign in 签到完毕 接下来何必苦苦等待 ST.JOHN记忆长卷上的故事 正如乐章一样呈现在你面前 After signing in, the story about ST.JOHN will lay spread out before us, and for ST.JOHN, the bright golden memory of 45-year long, is like the magnificent movement composed by loud and sonorous notes. ST.JOHN记忆长卷效果图 ST.JOHN Historical Hall 来宾边欣赏长卷   边自由休息交流     精致诱人的甜点       相信会大受欢迎     精美小食品 Dedicate biscuit The guests could drink, ta


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