企业使用劳务派遣的风险分析与防范(Risk analysis and prevention of enterprises using labor dispatch)精选.doc

企业使用劳务派遣的风险分析与防范(Risk analysis and prevention of enterprises using labor dispatch)精选.doc

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企业使用劳务派遣的风险分析与防范(Risk analysis and prevention of enterprises using labor dispatch)精选

企业使用劳务派遣的风险分析与防范(Risk analysis and prevention of enterprises using labor dispatch) The labor dispatch is a special form of employment, the enterprise enjoying its flexibility, convenience and also bear the various risks, in the new labor law environment, how to distinguish these risks and take effective preventive measures have begun to attract more and more attention from enterprises. The labor dispatch is also called labor leasing, first appeared in the United States, refers to the dispatch organization and the dispatching mechanism according to the agreed with their labor contract labor dispatch to send mechanism, which will be sent to the institution for payment of labor. Because of the characteristics of the labor dispatch has low cost, flexible labor, less legal constraints, a large number of companies have the original direct employment positions to dispatch forms, especially the labor contract law, the number of labor workers in China was more than 27 million, the labor dispatch has become for enterprises to evade the labor contract law haven. But it is also in the labor contract law, labor contract law after the promulgation of new regulations for the implementation of the legal environment, the risk of the form of the labor dispatch hidden highlights. Risk analysis of enterprise labor dispatching The main risk sources of labor dispatch in the form of operating rules, policy and labor dispatch inherent labor and labor dual relationship, the special structure of the enterprise, labor dispatch company, three party workers and. The risk of invalid labor dispatch Labor dispatch in some cases will be judged invalid, return to the direct employment of labor relations between enterprises and workers, enterprises are expected by the dispatch cost reduction, not only can not reach a desire to avoid responsibility but to take an additional punishment. Specific causes are mainly the following: 1. the labor dispatch unit does not have the qualification of labor dispatc



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