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加强党的建设 落实科学发展观 为实现医院腾飞而努力奋斗 ——在中共XX中医院第二次代表大会上的工作报告 (二〇〇九年一月十三日) 各位代表、同志们: 自第一届党代会以来,我院党委在区卫生局党委、直机关工委等部门的关心和下,受到的赞誉。。全院(含总院和分院)门急诊134.79万人次,20545人次12日四川汶川大地震协作建设成一所总床位1500张既有具有现代气息,又具有中国传统文化、岭南、中医药文化特色的国内一流的三级甲等现代化中西医结合医院进一步改进领导作风,班子成员要加强团结,加强沟通,切实做到思想上合心、工作上合力、行动上合拍。发扬密切联系群众的工作作风,真心实意依靠群众,倾听群众意见,集中群众智慧,要注意发挥领导班子成员的示范表率作用,严于律已,清政廉洁,以党的建设带动队伍建设,以党风建设带动风建设。 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation.   The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Governments decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought ha


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