新视野预备1UNIT 4 第4次课.ppt

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新视野预备1UNIT 4 第4次课

Homework. 1. Review the text. 2. Complete the exercises related to the passage. 3. Preview new words in section A of unit 5. * New Horizon College English Pre-band 1 新视野大学英语预备1级教学课件 Section B A Decision Made Too Late Listen to the record of passage B and recite after it. Study the passage and analyze the language points. 1. No one knows for sure why Mr. Gilson has lung cancer. (Para.2)? for sure: without any question有把握地,肯定地? I’ll be there for sure. 我肯定要去。? 2. Even so, doctors believe that … (Para.2)? even so: in spite of that 即便如此? There are a lot of mistakes; even so it’s quite a good article. 这篇文章有很多错误,即便如此,它也写得不错。? 3. Now he is dying of lung cancer. (Para.2)? die of: stop living because of 死于? Many people have died of this disease. 已经有许多人死于这种病。? 4. … each year as a result of … (Para.2) as a result of: because of sth. 由于……的结果? As a result of the accident John couldn’t go to school. 由于这次事故约翰没能上学。? 5. The smoke that comes from the burning tobacco leaf in cigarettes contains many different dangerous materials, which are delivered into the body by the smoke. (Para.3)? Meaning: The smoke from the burning cigarettes has many different dangerous materials in it, which are taken into the body through the smoke.? 6. … live in homes with at least one smoker. (Para.4) Meaning: … live in homes where there is at least one smoker.? at least not less than, and probably more 至少? This car will cost at least $ 2,000. 这辆车至少要2,000美元。? 2) if nothing else; somehow 无论如何;至少? We’re not rich, but at least we’re happy. 我们虽然并不富裕,但是我们很愉快。? 7. The damaging effects of secondhand smoke on children also continue as they grow up. (Para.4)? Meaning: The damage of secondhand smoke to children also continues to?affect them as they grow up. 8. The damaging effects of secondhand smoke on children also continue as they grow up. (Para.4)? grow up: become mature or adult 变得成熟;长大成人? The girl told me that she wanted to be a writer when she grew up. 女孩告诉我她长大后想成为一名


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