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* * * * * * * * * * * There is no single “best” lifecycle, because there are many different development projects, each of which will work best with a different lifecycle. Lifecycle models are appropriate under a set of circumstances, so the model should be chosen based on a particular project or “typical” conditions. It is, however, best to select some form of iterative lifecycle. Iterative methods, when used correctly, allow different groups to work in parallel. This reduces the time it takes to complete a project because multiple activities can occur at the same time. Different lifecycle models may be combined within a single project. For example, you may handle some set of serious risks using a spiral model, then switch to a staged delivery to fill out the lower risk parts of the system. The critical objective is to identify and separate those high-level parts of the design that are well understood and will not change from those that are not. Components which depend only on the parts that will not change can begin immediately, while others should be built in a later iteration. You should also consider whether there is flexibility, and what the most acceptable place to compromise is: features, cost or schedule. This decision will also affect the appropriate lifecycle choice. * 敏捷过程与极限编程 敏捷软件开发宣言(价值观声明): 个体和交互胜过过程和工具 可以工作的软件胜过面面俱到的文档 客户合作胜过合同谈判 响应变化胜过遵循计划 根据上述价值观声明提出的软件过程统称为 敏捷过程。 * * 极限编程(eXtreme Programming, XP): 敏捷过程中最富盛名的一个 广泛适用于需求模糊且经常改变的场合 使得敏捷过程能够较好地适应商业竞争环境下对小型项目提出的有限资源和有限开发时间的约束 微软过程 微软软件生命周期 * 每一个生命周期发布一个递进的版本,各生命周期持续快速地迭代循环 优点: 综合了Rational统一过程和敏捷过程的优点 缺点:对方法、工具和产品等方面不够全面 * Lifecycles: Best Practices There is no single “best” lifecycle, it depends on details and constraints of the project. Generally, use some form of iterative approach iterative methods allow different groups to work in parallel, shortening schedule combine different lifecycle models in a long project identify risks and dependencies: do high-risk items and those unlikely to change early


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