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基础篇 核心词汇 A accompaniment [′kmpnimnt] n. *① [U, C] 唱歌时的伴奏 例:He sang to a piano accompaniment.他演唱由钢琴伴奏。 ② [C] sth. that is provided or used with sth. else伴随物;附属物;配料 例:White wine provided the perfect accompaniment to the meal.白葡萄酒是这顿饭的最佳佐餐酒。 account for ① 说明原因,提出理由 例:He could not account for his absence from school.他无法说明他旷课的原因。 *② (在数量方面)占 例:Petrochemicals today account for one fourth of all the chemicals made.石油化工产品现在已占所有化学制品的四分之一。 address [′dres] vt. ① 在(信封或包裹上)写姓名、地址 例:There is a letter addressed to you.有封写给你收的信。 ② 向……讲话;对……发表演说 例:He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech.他向听众发表了雄辩的演说。 *③ 探讨(如何处理问题) 例:The articles address the problems of diseases connected with malnutrition.这篇文章探讨的是与营养不良有关的疾病。 n. ① 地址,住址 ② 演说,讲话 例:deliver an opening address致开幕词 admittedly [d′mitidli] ad.[修饰句子的副词] 诚然,确实地;不可否认地 例:Admittedly, Ive never actually been there.说实在的,我从未去过那。 adoption [′dpn] n. ① [U, C] 收养 例:He was pleased by the adoption of a little girl.他收养了一个女孩,感到很高兴。 *② [U] the act of starting to use a particular plan, method, way of speaking etc采纳,采用 例:the adoption of a simple writing style朴实的写作风格的采用 aerophone [′rfun] n. 吹奏乐器,气鸣乐器; aero 前缀,表示“空气(的);航空(的);飞机(的)” 例: aerodynamics n. 空气动力学, aeroengine n. 飞机引擎 aesthetician [isi′tin] n. *① (审)美学家 ② 美容师 agent [′eidnt] n.[C] ① 代理人,代理商,代理公司;经纪人 例:Were acting as agents for Mr. Watson. 我们是沃森先生的经纪人。 /estate agent 房地产经纪人 / travel agent旅行社 ② 特工人员,情报员 *③ sb. or sth. that affects or changes a situation原动力,动因 例:Technological advances are the chief agents of change. 技术进步是变革的主要原动力。 all but几乎,差不多 例:Their screams of excitement all but drowned out the music.他们激动的尖叫声几乎淹没了音乐。 along/on the lines(of) 按……方式 例:Weve both been thinking alone the same lines.我们两人一直都以同样的方法思考。/ We will do it along the lines of your suggestion.我们会按照你的建议来做的。 approach [′prut] vt. ① to come near or nearer to (sb./sth.) in space or time走近, 靠近(某人/某事物) 例:As they approached the wood a rabbit ran out of the trees. 他们走近树林的时候一只兔子从树丛里跑了出来。 ② to almost reach a par


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