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财神爷god of prosperity 农民工 潜规则Hidden rule 例1 相比之下,这个课件的设计不够人性化。 By comparison, the design of this courseware is not USER-FRIENDLY enough. 例2 如果你开了一家上市公司,想要让你的股票升值,你必须吸引投资者和分析家的注意力。 You must draw the attention of investors and analysts if you have a listed company and expect to increase its stock value. Corpus checking 例3 据统计,2008年农民工在全国已经超过了2亿人,而且前农村的富余劳动力仍有1.5亿左右,他们大部分还将以农民工的形式转移出来。 Statistics show that MIGRANT WORKERS across the country already exceeded 200 million in 2008, and currently rural areas still have a labor surplus of 150 million, most of which will shift to cities as GUEST WORKERS. 例4 遗憾的是,一些城市谣传开征物业税都是“光打雷,不下雨”,物业税继续空转,公众只能焦虑。 Regrettably, rumors谣传 [r?m?] went about that a number of cities would begin to impose property tax but they only “barked without biting”, for no such tax has ever been levied so far and the public can do nothing but show concerns. 牵涉到文化差异 消防安全工作责任重于泰山。 The duty of fire prevention and fighting is heavy as Mountain Tai. The duty of fire prevention and fighting is heavy as a mountain. 例6 他回到家乡后,尽管一个月只有千余元收入,仍然奢侈无度,挥金如土。 After he returned to his hometown, he was still extravagant, spending money like water though he earned no more than 2000 RMB each month. 例7 我们现在是万事俱备,只欠东风,只要电一来,马上就可以生产了。 We’ve got all ready except an east wind; production can start at once if only there is power. We’ve got all ready except the catalyst; production can start at once if only there is power. 例8 11月10日至13日的强降雪,使得即将上市的16万斤鲶鱼全被冻死,损失达40万元,夫妇俩一年的劳作付之东流。 Between Nov. 10 and 13, a snowstorm froze to death 160 thousand jin of catfish about to go to the market, costing the couple 400 thousand; they gave a whole year of labor to the eastward river. As a result, they labored a whole year for nothing. 文化差异造成的词义褒贬的不同 例9 现任的副系主任,当年曾亲手送别死者,如今却不知道该怎么抚慰生者。他为手下的一头头“老黄牛”的处境而发愁,却无计可施。 The vice dean in office, who attended the funeral, does not know how to console the living now. he is worried about the conditions of the hard-working men under him, but can do nothing ab


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