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本科毕业论文 题目名称: 汽车配件营销模式研究 学 院: 专业年级: 学生姓名 班级学号: 指导教师 二年月十日 摘 要 随着经济全球化的发展,中国汽车零配件发展面临更加激烈的竞争和广阔的发展空间,汽车零配件企业必须对国外先进的服务体系进行研究和学习,从而构建完善的营销新体系,采取行之有效的营销策略。本文在研究过程中以辩证唯物主义的方法论作为基本的研究方法,以理论分析和实践调研为基础,采取规范分析和比较分析的研究方法。本研究的核心问题是构建什么样的营销新体系以及采取什么样的营销策略以适合我国汽车零配件企业的发展。本研究力求全面深入和透彻地从整合营销角度进行研究,从而构建管理科学、运作高效、适合汽车市场发展的零配件营销体系和营销策略,即建立汽配特许加盟连锁营销模式。 关键词:汽车配件;营销模式;特许加盟   Abstract With the evolution of economic globalization, the development of China’s auto parts & accessories market will be faced with a more intense competition but wider development space.China’s auto parts & accessories corporations must take serious efforts to learn the foreign advanced service systerm and carry out high effective marketing strategies and therefore led to an new marketing systerm established.In this article,we based on dialectical materialism and taken dialectical materialism methodology,atandardized assay and comparative analysis as the basic research methods during the whole process of the study. What kind of the new marketing systerm we should build and what marketing strategies we should take as to adapt to the development of domestic atuo parts and accessories market are the core questions of this study.Our research is based on comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the perspective of integrated marketing and thereby it can provide some bases to establish a scientific management and high efficient operation auto parts and accessories marketing strategy which fit to the development of domestic auto parts and accessories market. Keywords:Automobile PartsBusiness model; Franchise System 不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 绪 论 1 2 本文研究的理论基础及文献综述 3 2.1 服务经济相关理论 3 2.1.1 服务的涵义和本质 3 2.1.2 服务经济的概况及发展趋势 3 2.1.3 服务经济理论体系的启示 5 2.2 国内研究概况 5 3 国内与国外汽车零配件模式分析 8 3.1 加入WTO后国内汽车售后零配件企业面临的机遇与挑战 8 3.1.1 加入WTO后国内汽车售后零配件企业面临的机遇 8 3.1.2 加入WTO后我国汽车零配件企业面临的挑战 9 3.2 我国汽车零配件企业营销现状及存在的问题 10 3.2.1 汽配营销规模偏小 10 3.2.2 汽配营销效益低下 11 3.2.3 汽配营销机制落后 11 3.2.4 汽配产


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