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管理科学的研究方法 ABC法:1879年意大利经济学家帕雷托首创。在事物的多因素中识别少数但起重要作用和多数只起次要作用的因素。 7S法:麦肯锡公司T.Peters R.Waterman设计了企业7要素Strategy,Structure,Staff,System,Skill,Sty-le,Shared Values. 头脑风暴法,德尔菲法,目标管理,JIT。 After reading this chapter,you should be able to: Explain the value of studying management history Identify some major pre-20 century contributions to management Define F. Taylor’s principles of scientific management Identify H. Fayol’s contributions to management Describe M. Weber’s ideal bureaucracy Distinguish between the process systems and contingency approaches Talor’s 4 principles management Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work, which replaces the old rule-thumb method. Scientifically select and then train,teach,and develop the worker. Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science. Divide work and responsibility equally between management and workers. Management takes over all work for which it is better fitted than workers. Previously, almost all the work and the greater part of the responsibility were thrown on workers. What is total quality management Intense focus on the customer. The customer includes not only outsiders who buy the organization’s products or services, but also internal customers (such as shipping or accounts payable personnel) who interact with and others in the organization. Concern for continual improvement. Improvement in the quality of everything the organization does. TQM uses statistical techniques to measure every critical variable in the organization’s operations. Empowerment of employees for solving problems. 第三讲:管理与内部、外部环境 宏观环境:经济(资本,人力),技术,文化,政治(税收政策),法律(公司法,专利法,合同法,证券法,投资法),伦理(金科公司与版权法); 工作环境:竞争者,顾客,供应者,政府机构,利益集团; 环境对管理者的选择作用;竞争环境 环境:是对组织绩效起潜在影响的外部机构、内部组织或力量。 社会变量-人口,生活方式,价值观;技术变量-经济指标;政治变量 组织的内在环境 组织文化是组织内部的一种共享价值观体系,它在很大程度上决定雇员的行为。 组织文化由10个特征组成:成员的同一性;团体的重要性;对人的关注;单位的一体化;控制;风险承受度;报酬标准;冲突的宽容度;手段-结果倾向性;系统的开放性。 文化制约管理者的行为、判断、思想和感觉,甚至决


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