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小学英语导学案模板 设计意图 :以表演的形式贯穿于课堂,用歌曲的学习增加学生学习兴趣,加强学生听、说、读、写能力的培养,从而激发学生的学习兴趣 ,培养学生合作竞争意识。 课题 (topic) Lesson 1:The farm 课型 新学 主备人 焦红星 审核人 刘俊秀 年级 三年级 目标点击 1:我会认识,读写farm, chicken, duck ,pig and cow . 2::我会用“What is it?”和同伴交流。 3:我会唱“Old MacDonald had a farm.” 重难点 认读和书写五个新单词 时间预设 自主学习12分钟 合作交流20分钟 当堂测试8分钟 导学参考 学习流程(Learning procedure) 第一关:自主学习 Step 1:Listening Ask the students :What is it ?(show pictures of animals.) I can say the new words and spell them. Step 2:wrting I can write the new word.. 第二关:合作交流 Step 1:Practice I can practice “What is it ? A______./It’s a ___________.”with my classmate .(practice in pairs.) Step 2:Act and guess Ask one student do actions and the others guess (What animal is it ?) 第三关:课堂提升 Step 1:Listening Listen to the audiotape and try to sing the song . Explain that different animals can make different sounds Step 2:Match duck meow cow woof pig cluck . cat oink chicken moo 第四关:达标小检测 I can fill in the blanks. Old MacDonnld had a farm ,On his farm he had _________(鸭子)、______(猪)、______(鸡)__________(奶牛).He is a handsome ________(农民)。 课后反思 课题 (topic) Lesson 2:Cats and Dogs 课型 新学 主备人 焦红星 审核人 刘俊秀 年级 三年级 目标点击 一:我会认读,书写cat, dog, goat, and sheep. 二:我会用What’s this ?It’s a _______. Is this a ________? Yes ,it is./No ,it’s a ______.和同伴交流。 三:我会唱英文歌:BINGO 重难点 新单词及新句型“Is this a _______?” 时间预设 自主学习12分钟 合作交流20分钟 当堂测试8分钟 导学参考 学习流程(Learning procedure) 第一关:自主学习 Step 1:Listening Listen to the audiotape and read the new words.(show the words of animals.) Step 2:W riting Read the new words and try to spell them.(hold up their fingers and try to write.) 第二关:合作交流 Step 1:Practise dialogues Hold up the new word cards and practise this dialogue in pairs: What’s this? It’s a ______. Is this a ________? Yes ,it is./No .It’s a _____.They are different. Step 2:Play :Memory game(part 2) First ,Ask them to look at the pictures, then try to remember them. After that


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