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第四讲 原生界和藻物界 与植物有关的 原生界生物--粘菌 藻物界生物--卵菌 一、原生界-粘菌 粘菌的四个门 Phylum Myxostelida e.g. Stemonitis (Fig 2.1) Phylum Dictyostelida e. g. Dictyostelium (Fig 2.2) Phylum Labyrinthulida Phylum Plasmodiophorida e.g. Plasmodiophora (Fig 2.4) Plasmodiophorida 根肿菌门 obligate parasites 专性寄生物 Plasmodiophora brassicae 十字花科根肿菌 Thick walled resting spores(休眠孢子) release zoospores(游动孢子) - find new host by chemotaxis – encyst(有壁静止孢子) - inject protoplast(原生质体) into root hair. These form plasmodia(原质团) inside root hair - release zoospores - infect root cortical(皮层) cells - form large secondary plasmodia – meiosis(减数分裂) - resting spores 粉痂病症状 Spongospora subterranea powdery scab of potato Polymyxa spp Resting spores 二、与植物有关的色菌--卵菌 卵菌门Phylum Oomycota Two flagellae (鞭毛) 1 whiplash(光鞭), 1 tinsel (茸鞭) 卵菌的特点 many live in water or soil some important pathogens often extensive diploid hyphae (most other fungi have haploid hyphae) Oogamous卵配生殖 reproduction - separate antheridia雄器 and oogonia (fig 2.9). cellulose cell walls, (other fungi have chitin) 与植物有关的重要属 Saprolegnia 水霉属- water mould on rice(烂秧) Plasmopara 单轴霉属– downy mildew of grape(葡萄霜霉病) Peronospora 霜霉属- blue mould of tobacco(烟草霜霉病) Phytophthora 疫霉属- late blight of potatoes(马铃薯晚疫病) Pythium 腐霉属- damping off disease (猝倒病) Albugo 白锈属- white rust of crucifers (十字花科白锈病) 晚疫病菌 Phytophthora infestans Created havoc in Europe 1845-47 - e.g wiped out Irish potato crop - sole food of many poor people. Caused 1 million deaths - 3 million to emigrate - America. Heterothallic(异宗配合) sp. But until 1976 only 1 mating-type in anywhere except Mexico - its origin - so was asexual. Since then, other mating-type has arrived and sexual reproduction has started - so disease becoming a problem again. 要点 粘菌和卵菌引起的主要病害 马铃薯晚疫病在19世纪中页造成的灾难及其后对欧洲和美洲历史的巨大影响。 * Bio 222b 与真菌不同处 no hypha没有菌丝体 amoeboid phases有阿米巴阶段 no cell walls to plasmodial stages 原质团阶段无细胞壁 一些粘菌 SLIME MOULDS .Fuligo sp. (top) and Stemonites sp. (bottom) Photos.- courtesy of Dr. G. Thorn 大型子实体 引起的


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