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3.2 Winds– Air Horizontal Motions 3.2.1 Air pressures 3.2.2 Forces and their effects 3.2.3 Air motion equations 3.2.4 Winds--horizontal motions of the air 3.2.1 Air pressures (1) Definition Pressure: a force per unit area Air pressure: air weight above per unit area in an air column. Sea level: 1013.25hPa, 760mmHg for standard atmosphere 3.2.1 Air pressures (2) Measurement Unit: millibar(mb) 100New/m2 Mercury barometer, 1643, Torricelli, a student of the famous Italian scientist Galileo Aneroid barometer Barographs 3.2.1 Air pressures (3) Affecting factors Temperature Density Cold air masses are denser than warm air masses, they are generally associated with higher atmospheric pressure. 3.2.1 Air pressures (4) Pressure changes with altitude Hydrostatic equation dP = -?gdZ Conditions: statistic air thin layer (4) Pressure changes with altitude Decrease rate: -(dP/dZ) hPa/m -(dZ/dP) m/hPa 30km above surface, 12hPa Below 30km, 90% of the atmospheric mass (4) Pressure changes with altitude (4) Pressure changes with altitude Barometric height formula: pressure decreased in exponent function with height (4) Pressure changes with altitude Isothermal atmosphere: constant temperature with height Z2-Z1=18400 (1+t/273) log(P1/P2) Polytropic atmosphere: constant lapse rate with height Pz=P0(1-?Z/T0)g/R ? 3.2.1 Air pressures (5) Cross-sectional pressure changes Weather maps Sea level charts Upper-level charts (5) Cross-sectional pressure changes Sea level weather charts Isobars: lines connecting places of equal sea-level pressure Isotherms: lines connecting places of equal temperature (5) Cross-sectional pressure changes Upper-level weather chart Isohypses: lines connecting places of equal geo-potential height (altitude) Higher-elevation contours indicate higher pressures Lower-elevation contours indicate lower pressures (5) Cross-sectional pressure changes Examples 300hPa weather chart 500hPa weather chart Geo-potent


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