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PAGE 全套protel程序,翻译,答辩,开题报告,加153893706 山东理工大学 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:公交车报站器的设计 申请山东理工大学工学学士学位论文 学 院: 电气与电子工程学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 学生姓名: 指导教师: 毕业设计(论文)时间:二ОО七年三月五日~六月十八日 摘 要 Ⅰ 摘 要 近年来,GPS(Global Positioning System)全球定位系统在各种行业,特别是车辆监控与定位系统的应用中蓬勃发展。随着经济的持续发展,对公交运输也提出更高的要求。随着我国各大城市公交公司的人员精减,目前各公交公司都在每辆公交车上只配备了一个司机,进行无人售票。为了公交系统的安全考虑,目前迫切需要智能化、自动化的公交语音报站系统。 本次设计的公交车报站器是以凌阳十六位单片机SPCE061A为控制核心,结合GPS全球定位系统,对车辆的运行状态(位置、方向、速度、时间等)进行实时采集,对数据进行分析,当车辆达到预定位置时,通过凌阳单片机语音功能进行播报站名、音乐、广告、提示语、时间等信息,并在LED点阵上显示,实现全自动报站功能,当GPS信号遇外界影响时,还可通过键盘操作进行手动报站功能。此外,利用SPR4096模组存储大量的语音素材,使报站器更人性化。 该报站器不仅可以提供自动报站,而且对公交车的行车安全提供了一定的保障。且不仅可以应用到公交车上,还可以应用到火车及长途汽车上,结合LED点阵进行报站显示,提供车上的宣传用语及车厢广告等文字服务。 关键词:自动报站,GPS,凌阳单片机 Abstract PAGE IV Abstract Since recent years, GPS (Global Positioning System) has vastly been used and developed in every industry, especially in the vehicle-monitoring and positioning system. With the sustained growing of the economy, the demand to the bus transportation is increasing too. Nowadays the bus company allocates only one driver on every bus because of the cutting of the whole industry. Considering the safe of the bus industry, it urgently needs an intelligent; automate voice-broadcast system for bus transport. Voice-broadcast equipment for bus in this design gather parameters(such as location, direction, velocity, time) of the bus in real time and then analyze the data the design uses Sunplus MCU as its core, which integrates GPS as part of it. When the bus reaches one location, it takes advantage of the voice function of Sunplus MCU and LED Matrix Screen when it broadcasts and displays the location name, music, ad, note, time and other information automatically. When the signal of GPS being affected by the outer factor, we can handle it by manual operation. In addition, we can make it more humanization by making good use of great wave materials it stores. This equipment not only provides the service of auto-broadcast, but also guarantees the safe of the bus.


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