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The south of the clouds, the breath 彩云之南,呼吸的方向 彩云之南 彩云之南 我心的方向 孔雀飞去 回忆悠长 玉龙雪山 闪耀着银光 秀色丽江 人在路上 彩云之南 归去的地方 往事芬芳 随风飘扬 蝴蝶泉边 歌声在流淌 泸沽湖畔 心仍荡漾 Start Imaging I am the guide here tonight and it’s my honor to be your guide. I will take you to enjoy the beautiful sceneries and pure customs in yunnan.I am sure you will love here. The colorful sand forest The next station The followers hometown kunming The kunming expo “Spring City”, Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Province , due to the World Expo held in Kunming in the world to improve visibility . It can be said that the World Exposition will bring the infrastructure construction of Yunnan Province ahead of a full decade,which puts a new face on Kunming. The stone forest The second station Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introduction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao, Duansiping Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized place. 苍山 洱海 The forth station---lijiang Lijiang Town is officially called Dayan Town—— Dayan literally means a great inkstab, a graphic description of the towns location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains. There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China. Clothes Souvenirs Entertainment Xishuan Banna Surrounded by the mountains covered with a lot of trees from the sub-tropical region, the picturesque Xishua Banna is located in the flat valley to the Lantsang River. Famous animals The water-splashing festival the“18 weirdest things in Yunnan”. 1.火车没有汽车快,不通国内通国外;2.小和尚也可以谈恋爱; 3.鸡蛋串着卖;4.鲜花当菜卖;鲜花四季开不败 5.青菜叫苦菜;6.石头当瓦盖; 7.竹筒当烟袋;8.草帽当锅盖; 9.东边下雨西边晒;10.十八岁姑娘叫老太; 11.姑娘四季同穿戴;12.过桥米线人人爱 ; 13.脚趾头四季露在外;14.六七十


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