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Shantou have another name is Tuo island which located in southeastern Guangdong province of China, including longhu,JinYuan,shengping,dahao and hepu.It is one of the five special economic zones in China. Nanguo commercial building nearby the Times square. You can buy everything what you need, though it‘s very expensive. Laomagong(老妈宫) Laoma is named “妈祖”,“天后” or “天妃”. So Laomagong have anther name is “天后宫”. Many people will go to laomagong when they cross the sea or come back home. Chaoshan drama is an important carrier of chaoshan cultural inheritance. It originated in NanXi from song yuan dynasty,and formed in Ming dynasty. * The Coastal City Shan Tou Introduction Queshi scenic spot (礐石风景区 ) Queshi scenic spot is listed as the provincial scenic spot which located at the south bay of shantou. It consists of coastal terraces and 43 mountain. JiuQuQiao is the most famous scenic In Zhongshan Park. Zhongshan Park Snacks of haoluo Taiwanese call it “蚵仔煎”. There is a very famous shop to do it at the door of Zhongshan Park。 蚝烙 Times square is urban business centers. Linbaixin exhibition building and library are all situated here. (南国商城) Buttercup flower-bed (金凤坛) In the early 1990s,this place called red brick buildings. After the renovation, its new name is Buttercup flower-bed. Do you know the source of this building? Because the flower of shantou is buttercups. In the past, this place is the most flourishing. From the picture, it seems that we can see it once flourishing. Centenary commercial streets: overhang(骑楼) Laomagong zong zi


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