2012高中英语 5.4练习课件 新人教版必修1(福建专版).ppt

2012高中英语 5.4练习课件 新人教版必修1(福建专版).ppt

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2012高中英语 5.4练习课件 新人教版必修1(福建专版)

解析: 句意为:和我爸爸一块工作的那个工程师大约60岁了。work with sb.和某人一块工作。 答案: D 7.The reason________I’m writing to you is to tell you about a party on Saturday. A.because B.why C.how D.which 解析: 先行词为表示原因的reason,定语从句中主、谓、宾俱全,缺少的是状语,故只能选关系副词why。 答案: B 8.He has two sons,________work as chemists. A.two of whom B.both of whom C.both of which D.all of whom 解析: 先行词是两个人,他们中的两个习惯上用both of...关系词指代人且作of的宾语,故用whom。 答案: B 9.He is a man of great experience,________ much can be learned. A.who B.that C.from which D.from whom 解析: 先行词是a man,learn from sb.“从某人那里可以学到……”。故选D。 答案: D 10.There are several research centers in China________a certain disease called Bird Flu is being studied. A.which B.where C.when D.what 解析: 因为先行词是research centers并在定语从句中作状语,所以用where。 答案: B 11.The English play________my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success. A.for which B.at which C.in which D.on which 解析: 定语从句的正常语序为my students acted in the English play,此处将介词提前了,故选C。 答案: C * “守纪律、讲规矩”党课--做合格的共产党员课件《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》配套政策研究PPT培训课件《基因控制生物的性状》第2课时课件 Section Ⅳ Grammar Writing 定语从句(Ⅱ) 关系副词和“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 一、关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词 用 法 when=in/at/on which 在从句中作时间状语,先行词为表示时间的名词,如time,day,year等 where=in/at/on which 在从句中作地点状语,先行词为表示地点的名词,如place,house,school,company等 why=for which 在从句中作原因状语,先行词为表示原因的名词,如reason ①I’ll never forget the time when(=on which) we worked on the farm.我将永远不忘我们在农场共同工作的时光。 ②Do you still remember the afternoon when(=in which) we first met three years ago? 你还记得三年前我们第一次相见的那个下午吗? ③The hotel where (= at which) we stayed was very clean. 我们住的那个旅馆很干净。 ④Shanghai is the place where(=in which) she was born. 上海是她的出生地。 ⑤The reason why(=for which) we don’t trust him is that he often lies.我们不信任他的原因是他经常说谎。 ⑥The reason why (=for which) he was late was that he missed his train.他迟到的原因是错过了火车。 1.关系副词和关系代词的判断方法 关系副词和关系代词的选择是根据先行词在定语从句中所作的成分而定的。若是作状语,用关系副词或“介词+which”;若是作主语或宾语,则用关系代词。 ①I’ll never forget the days (that/which) I spent with my teacher.(关系代词that/which作spent的宾语) 我永远也忘不了我同老师


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