2012高考英语 Unit2《Poems》知识与要点课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

2012高考英语 Unit2《Poems》知识与要点课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

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2012高考英语 Unit2《Poems》知识与要点课件 新人教版选修6

;;1.convey vt. 传达;运送;传送;输送 归纳拓展 convey sth.to sb.向某人表达/传递某物 convey sb./sth.from A to B 把某人或某物从A地运送到B地 convey ones feelings/meanings 表达某人的感情/意思;Words cannot convey my feelings. 言语无法表达我的感受。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother. 请向你母亲转达我美好的祝愿。 This ship conveys oil from the Middle East to the US. 这艘船从中东运输石油到美国。;【链接训练】 ①With the popularity of the Internet,sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student________what they think. A.conveys B.convey C.account D.accounts 【解析】 convey“传达,表达”;account“解释,说明;认为”;many a+单数可数名词,虽表示复数意义,但后面的谓语动词用单数,故选A。 【答案】 A;②I found it really difficult to ________ in my speech ________ grateful we were for his help. A.convey;how B.convey;what C.predict;what D.predict;how 【解析】 convey “表达”,符合第一个空的意思,predict 意为“预言”。第二个空根据 grateful 知应用 how 引导。what 与名词连用。 【答案】 A;2.transform vt. vi.改变,转变,改造,使改观 归纳拓展 (1)transform A into B 使A变成B transform into转变成 be transformed from A to B从A搬到B transform sth./sb.from sth.into sth.把……从……转变成…… (2)transformation n.(外观或性质的)改变、变革;It was an event that would transform my life. 那是能够改变我一生的一件事。 Ten years of hard work transformed Mathilde completely into an ordinary housewife. 十年的艰辛劳动彻底把玛蒂尔德变成了一个普通家庭妇女。 Their efforts have transformed the bald hill into one covered with green trees all over. 他们的努力使这光秃秃的山头变得绿树葱葱。 In recent years his ideas have undergone a complete transformation. 近年来他的观念发生了彻底的转变。;【链接训练】 ①In only 20 years,the country has been ______ into an advanced industrial power. A.translated B.degraded C.declined D.transformed 【解析】 translate “翻译”;degrade “使降级”;decline “下降,衰退”。transform into “变成,转变为”。句意为:在短短的二十年间,该国已变成先进的工业大国。 【答案?? D;②The twentieth century witnessed an enormous worldwide political,economic and cultural ________. A.tradition B.transportation C.transmission D.transformation 【解析】 tradition“传统”;transportation“运输”;transmission“传送,发射,传播”;transformation“改变,转变”。句意为:二十世纪见证了世界的政治、经济和文化的巨变。 【答案】 D;3.appropriate adj.适当的,正当的 归纳拓展 (1)an appropriate response/measure/method 恰如其分的反应/恰


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