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A Study of Public Art Interaction form a Site-specific Perspective
—an exploration into the development of Interactive Public Art
*庄育振Yu-Cheng Chuang
**曲家瑞 Kristy Cha Ray Chu
***秦庭祥Ting Shiang Chin
*元智大学信息传播学系 助理教授
**实践大学媒体传达设计学系 助理教授
***元智大学信息传播学系 研究生
Based on a “Site-Specificity” perspective, this study intends to discuss the development of Public Art in Taiwan, and propose a depth study of “interaction” for Public Art. This study is expected to redefine the conventional definition of Public Art, and propose an alternative Public Art form for future development. This study focus on the “Site-Specificity” perspective, discusses the interaction between public art and audiences, and analyzes a way to emphasis on the spirit of place and the principles to enhance the audience interaction. Furthermore, through literature review, this study will provide a prototype for “interactive” Public Art. Consequently, this study will reach the following goals. Firstly, develop a new form of interactive Public Art. Secondly, through the focus of audience interaction, the site-specificity can be emphasized by new form of Public Art. Thirdly, though the creation of new Public Art, the image of Taiwan can be internationalized, and the level of Public Art can also be promoted.
Keywords: Site-Specificity, Public Art, Interaction, Interactive Public Art
壹、 前言
公共艺术(Public Art)的观念兴起于美国的60年代,并在80年代引进台湾,但在台湾直到90年代才真正开始被实践于我们的生活之中。由于此一风潮的引进,再加上台湾政府在地方所推动的「小区总体营造」政策,为台湾的公共空间提出改造的可能性。然而,目前国内所谓公共艺术的创作,因为推行之初的参与创作者多以大型雕塑来呈现,使得国内的公共艺术表现方式多为大型雕塑,让一般民众产生「公共艺术等同于雕塑」的观念。但事实上公共艺术的表现形式并不倨限于雕塑作品,其意义性也不局限于「艺术品」本身,更重要的意义在于公共艺术创作过程与当地民众的互动及其小区意识。长期主导推动公共艺术发展的文建会也特别针对此一突破传统定义的趋势,在2003年「文建