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What to write? 素材何来? Three ways to think: Consider all aspects 全面思考 Classify the issue问题分类 Find exceptions 找出反例 Consider all aspects 全面思考 拿到任何一个题目,都从以下方面去思考,至少能想出3-4个有用观点,这就足够写文章了,是普罗大众皆可使用的方法。但前提是要熟练,平时需要大量练习,形成自己的一套思维顺序。 Knowledge Efficiency Intelligence(学业) mind(心境,情感) Society Crime Time Space Rights Responsibilities Environment Health Employment Competition Culture Population Money Fun Exercises1: Some people think students should focus on a few subjects while others think they should study a wide range of subjects. Discuss. Possible analysis: Focusing on certain subjects allow them to better concentrate on the related knowledge,which enhances their efficiency in study. ---- efficiency Focusing on specific subjects enables them to grasp these subjects better. ---- intelligence Studying a wide range of subjects help students broaden their horizons. ---- mind Understanding a wide variety of subjects enables students to find a job more easily after they graduated. ---- employment Studying subjects such as music and painting gives students a deeper understanding of arts and culture in general. ---- culture Example 2: The media should not report crimes in detail. To what extend do you agree? possible analysis: Detailed reports of crime may make citizens apprehensive(担惊受怕的)about their own safety. ---- mind Detailed coverage(报导)of crimes may help potential criminals avoid mistakes in their criminal plan and increase the already high crime rate. ---- crime Reports of violent crimes are cruel to the victims of these crimes. ---- mind/right Citizens can better understand how criminals carry their criminal plans through reports about these crimes,which helps law-abiding(守法的)citizens learn knowledge about protecting themselves. ---- knowledge Such reports can effectively increase the popularity of the media among specific audiences,help


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