Onset of Asymptotic Scaling in Deuteron …:在氘核渐近缩放的发病….ppt

Onset of Asymptotic Scaling in Deuteron …:在氘核渐近缩放的发病….ppt

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Onset of Asymptotic Scaling in Deuteron …:在氘核渐近缩放的发病….ppt

Onset of Scaling in Exclusive Processes Outline Scaling laws for exclusive processes Polarization in exclusive reactions The counting rule Hard regime in gd → pn g d → p n at SLAC g d → p n: experimental data Check of CCR: adopted procedure An example Determination of pT threshold Check of CCR HHC in gd →pn g d → p n: polarization data Elastic ed scattering Deuteron FFs Scaling of deuteron FFs Polarization in ed → ed Comments and Outlook - 1 Proton Form Factors Comments and Outlook - 2 Hadronic reactions with deuteron Polarization in pd elastic scattering From Hadrons to Partons * Marco Mirazita Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati First Workshop on Quark-Hadron Duality and the Transition to pQCD Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, June 6-8 2005 Asymptotics in exclusive processes: counting rule and helicity conservation Experimental test of asymptotic predictions in em reactions -cross section and polarization data in g d → p n -Form Factors and tensor polarization in e d → e d Comments and outlooks FF in elastic scattering Cross section n=nA+nB+nC+nD total number of elementary constituents Scaling is a manifestation of asymptotically free hadron interactions Brodsky and Farrar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 31 (1973) 1153 Matveev et al., Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 7 (1973) 719 A B C D From dimensional arguments at high energies in binary reactions: CONSTITUENT COUNTING RULE Lepage and Brodsky, Phys. Rev. D22 (1980) 2157 Brodsky and Lepage, Phys. Rev. D24 (1981) 2848 For high energy and momentum transfer the total helicity is conserved (HHC) S l i = S lf HHC has many implication on exclusive processes For example, in one-photon-exchange approximation: ds/dW(e+e-→BB) ? 1+cos2q ds/dW(e+e-→MM) ? sin2q Form Factors in ep → ep: GE(Q2)/QGM(Q2)→0 for large Q2→0 There are a large number of measured exclusive reactions in which the empirical power law fall-off predicted by dimensional counting pQCD appear to be accurate over a large


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