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British Romantic Poets (Time span: the first 3 decades of 19th century) An introduction A troubled phase A new value system emphasizing the individual and personal The Romantics The Romantics When a Man Hath No Freedom to Fight for at Home When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home,Let him combat for that of his neighbors;Let him think of the glories of Greece and of Rome,And get knocked on his head for his labors. To do good to mankind is the chivalrous plan,And is always as nobly requited;Then battle for freedom wherever you can,And, if not shot or hanged, you’ll get knighted. The message imbedded in Prometheus Unbound: the possibility for the final realization of a new social order based on the regeneration of man and the virtue of love and an ideal life deprived of injustice, tyranny, oppression and corruption as long as man maintain the indomitable spirit The function of his poetic creations: to spread his message and bring a change to people’s life; the give his vision of a new world and life a tangible form A socialist revolutionalist in heart Ode to the West Wind I O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn’s being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow Her clarion o’er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With living hues and odours plain and hill: Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear! V Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is: What if my leaves are falling like its own! The tumult of thy mighty harmonies Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone, Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit
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