大学新世界英语视听说教程1 UNIT 2.ppt

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B. Second Watching. Watch Part B again and circle the correct answers. CHECK IV. WATCH AND TALK 4. According to Hector runs _________. 5. Chaz asks us to _________ what Hector will choose to drink. 6. Chaz predicts that Hector will choose water because________. A. very fast B. at a moderate pace C. very slow A. skim over B. compare and contrast C. make an inference about A. he looks really thirsty B. he has a healthy lifestyle and water is healthier C. that’s all they sell there A C B Script Chaz: Hector always stretches before he works out. First, he sits down and stretches. Sometimes, he does body twists. Oh, this isn’t as easy as it looks. And then, Hector does some sit-ups on the grass. 48,49,50. Good job. Three times a week, Hector goes on a long run. Usually he runs by the fountain in Central Park. Sometimes he runs up the stairs. He’s really fast. I can’t keep up with him. Hmmm… I think he’s thirsty. Yes… he is. Let’s make an inference: what drink do you think Hector wants?(holds up a can of soda) Soda.. (holds up a bottle of water) … or water? (pauses) Well, Hector is a healthy guy, so he probably wants a healthy drink. Let’s see. Smart choice, Hector. Now, I’m thirsty. (refreshed)Ahh! X Script C. Third Watching. Watch again as you read the paragraphs. When you see a mistake, cross it out and put the correct word above it. CHECK IV. WATCH AND TALK Hector always eats before he works out. First, he stands up and stretches. Sometimes he does arm twists. Hmmm … this is as easy as it looks. And then, Hector does some sit ups in the park … 48, 49, 50. Good job. Two times a week, Hector goes on a long swim. Usually he runs by the benches in Central Park. Usually he runs up the stairs. He’s really fast. Amy can’t keep up with him. Hmmm … I think he’s thirsty. Yes… he is. Let’s make an inference: what drink do you think Hector wants? A milkshake or water? Well, Hect


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