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Unit One Text ALearning, Chinese-Style;Warm-up activities;Warm-up activity 1; 对于这个问题,我觉得不能因为剪刀危险就不让孩子玩,但对于大人来说,你只要告诉孩子剪刀很有用处但也有危险而且危险在何处.如果为了避开危险而用平头的剪刀,那样也许对于孩子来说也许暂时是安全的,但他不一定及时知道其危险何在。所以我觉得正确的做法是告诉剪刀的优与险何在,让其自己去加以运用。;Warm-up activity 2;Warm-up activity 3; To me, it seems to be an exhibition hall in a museum. Though it’s not spacious, it’s full of masterpieces of the world’s greatest artists, for example, Pablo Picasso’s Guernica, Vincent van Gogh’s sunflower, and Claude Monet’s Water Lilies. A day’s stay there will bring an art lover great satisfaction and enjoyment.;6) 29=D in F in a L Y;Teaching Tasks;Questions for discussion:;
What are the differences?
Keys: The Chinese Way of Learning: in family: parent-modeled(父母为示范的);in school: teacher-centered(老师为中心的);in society: superior-followed(上级、领导为导向的); kids: passive, dependent, less creative.
; The American Way of Learning: give first priority to creativity: Preschool: encourage to ask questions and work independently at a very young age;In school: learn “by doing”, by “hands-on” class work, by special “projects”,student/child-centered ;Kids: active, independent, more creative;;In-class reading;Scanning 1;Scanning 2;Teaching Contents; Outline of the Text;Background Information;Background Information;Background Information;Much of the current debate over education surrounds the extend to which learning should be teacher-based or student-based. Comparing Western and Asian methods of learning it is generally true that Western methods are more student-centered, expecting students to discover things for themselves rather than relying on their teachers.;
Comparison(n.比较,对照) Vs Contrast(n.对比)
A comparison brings out the similarities
between two or more things of the same
A contrast brings out the differences
between two or more things of the same
;Stating the topic directly(直接引出)
Posing a question(提出一个问题)
Quoting a famous saying(引用名言)
Relating an anecdote or an in