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史忠植 生理基础 Cells of the Nervous System 2.supporting cells 胶质细胞Glial cell: The supporting cells of the central nervous system. CNS three most important type : astrocyte,oilgodendrocytes,microglia Astrocyte星狀細胞: A glial cell that provides support for neurons of the central nervous system, provides nutrients and other substances, and regulates the chemical composition of the extracellular fluid. Phagocytosis:吞噬作用 The process by which cells engulf and digest other cells or debris caused by cellular degeneration. 少突胶质细胞Oligodendrocyte: A type of glial cell in the central nervous system that forms myelin sheaths. 单个神经元通信Communication Within a Neuron 1.An overview hand -hot -muscular contraction hand take hot material-brain , sipnal -take 2.Measuring Electrical Potentials of Axons Electrode: A conductive medium that can be used to apply electrical stimulation to or record electrical potentials. Microelectrode: A very fine electrode, generally used to record activity of individual neurons. Membrane potential: The electrical charge across a cell membrane; the difference in electrical potential inside and outside the cell. Oscilloscope示波器: A laboratory instrument that is capable of displaying a graph of voltage as a function of time on the face of a cathode ray tube. Communication Within a Neuron 2.Measuring Electrical Potentials of Axons Axons have two basic electrical potentials: Resting Membrane Potential Action Potential The membrane potential can change: Depolarization Hyperpolarization Threshold of excitation Resting membrane potential: The membrane potential of a neuron when it is not being altered by excitatory or inhibitory postsynaptic potentials; approximately -70 mV in the giant squid axon. Communication Within a Neuron 2.Measuring Electrical Potentials of Axons Depolarization: Reduction (toward zero) of the membrane potential of a cell from its normal resting potential. Hyperpolarization: An increase in the membrane potential of a


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