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* 1-0 Aircraft Design (261K) and Laboratory (161M) “Conceptual Design of UAV Systems” Spring Semester 2003 Instructor Dr. Armand J. Chaput Senior Technical Fellow Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Fort Worth, Texas (817) 763-7427 armand.j.chaput@ Design of UAV Systems Course Introduction c 2003 LM Corporation 1-1 Design of UAV Systems Course Introduction c 2003 LM Corporation Lesson objective - to answer the following questions: What is Conceptual Design? What will you learn about it? What are the expectations? Mine Yours What is the course structure, content and schedule? Who am I and what do I know about air vehicle systems and how to design them? Objectives 1-2 Design of UAV Systems Course Introduction c 2003 LM Corporation Discussion subjects UAV system Overview Design Phases Overview Importance of early design decisions Course overview Objective Differences Expectations Participants Content and schedule Homework Course background Personal background 1-3 But first what is a UAV? Design of UAV Systems Course Introduction c 2003 LM Corporation My definition - A reusable unmanned (or uninhabited if you prefer) air vehicle Includes target drones but excludes cruise missiles - Even if the cruise missile has a data link - Even if the technology is similar (which it is) UAV UAV UAV UAV 1-4 And there are many kinds Design of UAV Systems Course Introduction c 2003 LM Corporation Tilt wing/rotor Fixed wing Rotary wing /irp/program/collect/predator.htm ttp:///irp/program/collect/compass_arrow.htm Micro Free wing /irp/program/collect/vtuav.htm Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Tail Sitters Small 1-5 UAV System Elements Design of UAV Systems Course Introduction c 2003 LM Corporation But a UAV system is much more than a reusable air vehicle or vehicles Our system definition includes five elements 1. The environment in which the UAVs operate or the System Element (e.g. the airspace, the data links, relay aircraft, etc.) 2. The air vehicle(s) o


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