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2010学年度小学趣味英语竞赛(四年级) Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (38%) I.找出划线部分与所给例词含有不同音素的单词,将字母代号填入括号内:5% ( ) 26. where A. whose B. whale C. what ( ) 27. thin A. thief B. thank C. that ( ) 28. in A. his B. biscuit C. tired ( ) 29. hungry A. pupil B. but C. bus ( ) 30. desk A. apple B. egg C. any II. 根据图意,填单词,将字母编号填写在横线上:6% A B C D E F 31. A bowl and a __________, I can see. 32. The bear __________ bicycle to the zoo every day. 33. Look! The man is __________ a car. 34. The __________ are small. I want the big ones. 35. The boy isn’t happy. He’s very __________. 36. ---What is this? ---The __________ means ‘Don’t walk’. III. 连词组句,请将正确句子顺序的序号填入题前括号内:5% ( ) 37. ① those ② Look ③ jeans. ④ at A. ②①③④ B. ②④①③ ( ) 38. ① me ② green ③ a ④ Show ⑤ pepper. A. ④①③②⑤ B. ④①②③⑤ ( ) 39. ① go ② Let’s ③ see ④ and ⑤ Miss ⑥ Liu. A. ②①③⑤④⑥ B. ②①④③⑤⑥ ( ) 40. ① is ② new ③ my ④ This ⑤ friend. A. ④①③②⑤ B. ④①②③⑤ ( ) 41. ① thin. ② tall ③ and ④ I’m A. ④②③① B. ④③②① IV. 选择最恰当的答案完成句子,用A?B或C表示:12% ( ) 42.-- is your father? -- He is a farmer. A. Where B. How C. What ( ) 43. I like pineapples. How you? A. is B. about C. are ( ) 44. It’s today. Put on your coat. A. warm B. hot C. cold ( ) 45. This cake is you. A. for B. too C. give ( ) 46. Let’s play my toy plane. A. for B. at C. with ( ) 47. Nine and eight is . A. fifteen B. seventeen C. ten ( ) 48. A doctor works in a _____. A. hospital B. hotel C. bank ( ) 49. I


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