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SeriesNo. 406 金 属 矿 山 总第406期 April 2010 M ETALM INE 2010年第 4期 平台 CCNB - SHPB动态断裂韧性试验方法研究* 1, 2 1 1 满 轲 周宏伟 谢敬礼 ( 1. 中国矿业大学(北京); 2.瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学 ) CCNB (Cracked ChevronNotched Brazilian isc) Hopkinson ( SHPB), CCNB - SHPB SHPB;, , , CCNB - SHPB CCNB - SHPB 动态断裂韧性 应力 度因子 动态力平衡 TestingM ethod of Dynam ic Fracture Toughness by Flattened CCNBDSHPB 1, 2 1 1 M an Ke ZhouHongwei X ie Jingli ( 1. China University of M ining and Technology, Beij ing; 2. Sw issF ederal Institute of Technology ausanne (EPF ) ) Abstract Based on the fracture toughness testing method on CCNB specmi en and the principle ofSHPB, a new tes ting research for the dynam ic fracture toughnesswith flattenedCCNB SHPBwas carried out. The mi portance ofmaking the dynam ic force balance satisfy the stress uniform ity of SHPB and the tests data processwas discussed. It extended the equa tion of quasi static stress intensity factor for dynamic fracture toughness calculation. Then, themaxmi um load under the bal anced dynam ic forcewas substituting into the equation to get the value of the dynam ic fracture toughness. Tests verified the proposedmethod in theory, and it showed that this testing based on flattened CCNB SHPB was effective. K eywords CCNBSHPB, ynamic fracture toughness, Stress intensity factor, ynam ic force balance ISRM( InternationalSociety for RockM echanics) ANSYS, 1995 3 2 , CCNB , (Cracked Chevron Notched Brazilian isc) [ 68] - III I+ II, SHPB ,


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