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基于PHP与MySql的教学评教系统 设计者: 指导老师: 学生学号:09641 基于PHP与MySql的教学评教系统 摘 要 教学考评,顾名思义,也就是对教师授课的具体情况、班级课堂的具体情况按照一定的评判标准来衡量,并给出评估结果的一种教学管理举措。每个学校可根据本校的具体情况来给出不同的衡量标准。教学情况的评估是学校对教学情况工作整体情况进行了解的具体途径,是学校进行教学管理的一项重要手段,也是教师进行职称评定、班级评优的一项重要依据,同时它也是学校对自己教学工作质量进行改进和加强的重要参考标准。 本文首先分析了高校教学考评系统的现状和研究意义,系统的研究了开发基于B/S模式的PHP等分析与设计技术,接着阐述了系统的总体设计思想与设计目标,给出了教学考评系统的用例模型、对象模型、动态模型及功能模型,然后,在这些基础上进行了较为详细的设计层面的细化设计工作。 在系统的分析阶段,利用面向对象的分析建模技术,对系统需求进行了用户分析,得到了系统用例模型;对系统需求进行了静态结构分析,得到了系统对象模型;对系统需求进行了交互次序分析,得到了系统动态模型;对系统需求进行了数据变换分析,得到了系统功能模型。这些模型从不同的侧面和角度对系统需求进行了描述,它们的建立为系统设计阶段打下了基础。在系统的设计阶段,给出了教学考评系统的设计方案,分析并提出了系统分层设计的思路、数据持久化设计的实现方法,就系统安全性、系统考评策略等进行了相关设计。 关键词:教学考评;PHP;B/S Abstract:Teaching assessment of teachers teaching is the specific circumstances, class specific situations of classroom according to certain criteria to measure, and assessment results of a kind of teaching management measures. According to the school to give the specific conditions of different criteria. Teaching situation assessment is the school teaching situation of work to understand the overall situation, the specific way of teaching management schools is an important means of teachers, and technical titles, class rating is an important basis, at the same time, it is the school of their teaching work quality improvement and strengthening the important reference standard This paper firstly analyzes the present situation of college teaching evaluation system and the research significance, the system is introduced and the relevant theory of object-oriented technology of multilayer architecture, etc.. the B /S PHP analysis and design technology, then expounds the overall system design idea and design goal, teaching evaluation system is given the use case model, object model, dynamic model and function model, then, in these detail based on the design level of refinement design work. In the system of the analysis phase of object-oriented analysis of system modeling technology, the user needs analysis system use case model, The



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