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Unit 8 Topic 2 重点词汇: allow, interview, policewoman, tie, ceiling, soldier, hide, pilot, airport, police, officer, require advise 重点短语: 1.plan to do sth. 计划做 2.make uniforms for….做制服 3.look ugly on sb. 在身上很难看 4.show good discipline 展示出良好纪律 5.agree with sb. 同意某人 6.make a survey 做调查 7.styles of … …的款式,…的风格 8.at work 上班 9.plain clothes 便服,便衣 10.carry out 执行,开展 11.in trouble 在困难中,处于困境中 12.at the office 上班,在办公室上班 13. in the office 在办公室 14.wear business suits 穿职业/西装 15.take off 脱掉 16.enter someone’s home 进入某人的家里 17.wear suitable clothes 穿得体的服装 18.on every occasion 在每一个场合 19.dress correctly 穿戴得体 20.protect sb./ sth. from…..保护…不受…的危害 21.hide in the forest 隐藏在森林中 22.pilots wearing uniforms 穿着制服的飞行员 23.tell sb.sth. about….告诉…关于… 24.the art of dressing 时装的艺术 25.a coat in a dark color = a dark color coat 一件深色的外套 重点句型: 1.I like to wear my own clothes because school uniforms will look ugly on us. 我喜欢穿自己的衣服,因为我们穿了校服看起来很丑。look so ugly on us ,穿在我们身上看起来很丑 2.I think our school should allow us to design our own uniform. 我认为我们的学校应该允许我们设计自己的校服。 allow“允许、许可”,allow sb .to do sth.“允许某人做某事” 如:Mr.Wang allows us to play football.王老师允许我们踢足球。 3.People in trouble can find us easily 处于困境中的人们会很容易地找到我们。 4,our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things. 我们的制服可以防止一些人干坏事。 stop ... from doing sth. = keep ... from doing sth. 阻止,防止······干某事 如: You can’t stop people from saying what they think.你无法阻止人们说出自己的想法。 Her parents tried to stop her from seeing him. 她父母试图阻止她和他见面。 stop doing sth. 停止做某事(停止正在做的事情) Suddenly everyone stopped talking.停下来不说话了。 stop to do sth. 停下(正在做的事)去做(另一件事)如:We stopped to take pictures.停下来去照相。 5.You should take off your shoes when you enter someone’s home in Japan. 当你进入日本人家的时候,必须先脱掉鞋子。 take off意为“脱下,脱掉”,反义词组是put on. take off还可表示“起飞” The plane will take off in an hour.飞机将在一小时内起飞。 6.“It’s + adj. + that …” and “It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do st


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