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摘 要 随着经济与社会的不断发展,各种各样的电动机已经在现在工业生产,产业部门以及我们日常生活中得到广泛应用。它们已是当今生产活动和日常生活中最重要的原动力和驱动装置。电动机的数量之多,应用范围之广,地位之重要,几乎没有其他设备与之相比。电动机的类型很多,应用环境千差万别,其使用要求也是各不相同。恶劣的使用环境常常造成电动机的性能下降而导致故障。特别是在煤炭企业,随着煤矿双高矿井建设的使用环境常常造成电动机的性能下降而导致故障。作为煤矿主要原动力的电动机,在煤矿安全生产中的作用至关重要。但是,由于煤矿井下环境条件恶劣,电动机经常遭受水,潮气,高温,煤尘的侵害,特别是生产运输区域的电动机时常被煤或杂物掩埋,使电动机运行条件严重恶化,各种性能下降,诱发各种事故,并且电动的烧毁也时有发生,给安全生产带来较大损失。 本文针对目前存在的问题,提出了改变传统的电动机保护和控制模式,采用先进的工业级芯片基于32位ARM2104设计,集全面的电动机数字保护,综合电量测量及现场/远方启停操作控制,运行状态监视,故障记录及网络通讯于一体,具有过负载,电流不平衡,接地/漏电,欠电流,堵转,短路,温度,欠压,过压,欠功率,启动加速超时等多种数字式保护功能,满足直接启动双相,星/三角启动等启动方式,实现电动机回路的三相电流,接地电流等多种电参数的测量,可与RTU,PLC 及多种微机工控组态软件(iFIX,WinCC,Intouch,组态王,MCGS)实现网络通讯,构成分布式综合电力监控系统。 关键词:交流电动机;保护器;缺相;ARM芯片 Abstract With the development of the economy and society, a wide range of motor industry has been in production now, it has been widely applied in industrial sectors and our everyday life . They are the most important motivation and drive in todays production activities and daily life. There are almost no comparison with other equipment in motor number of people, and the application scope, status important. There are many types of motors, and application environment are vastly different, their use of the requirement is not the same. Poor use of the environment often leads to declining motor performance and lead to a malfunction. Particularly in the coal enterprises, With the high use of the environment in coal-mine construction ,the harsh environmental conditions often leads to declining motor performance and lead to a malfunction. As a major driving force behind the Mine motor, it plays the vital role in coal mine production. However, motor is frequently violated by water, humidity, high temperature and coal dust in harsh environmental conditions of the coal mine. Particularly the production of regional motor transport are often buried coal or junk, and the motor running condition are seriously deteriorated, various properties decrease induced accidents, and the electrical burn will occur from time to time, t


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