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脸盲发作:宫崎骏动画?中那些撞脸?的角色(双语) Studi?o Ghibl?i   They dont look exact?ly the same. But damn, many of the chara?cters? from Japan?s most belov?ed anime? certa?inly look simil?ar。   虽然看起来?并不完全相?同,但是日本动?漫好多角色?看上去都差?不多!   Studi?o Ghibl?i, of cours?e, is famou?s for anime? like My Neigh?bor Totor?o, Nausi?ca? of the Valle?y of the Wind, and Ponyo?—all of which? were creat?ed by Hayao? Miyaz?aki。   吉卜力工作?室的著名动?画作品有《龙猫》、《风之谷》、《悬崖上的金?鱼公主》……而创作这些?动画角色的?就是宫崎骏?。   As noted? on Japan?ese Twitt?er site Ghibl?i_Fan?7, here are some of the Studi?o Ghibl?i chara?cters? that resem?ble each other?, wheth?er thats simil?ar hairs?tyles? or facia?l featu?res。   日本网站G?hibli?_Fan7?贴出了吉卜?力工作室出?品动画中撞?脸的角色,有些是发型?像,有些是脸部?特征像。 Dola VS Sheet?a   In Castl?e in the Sky, the image? of a young? Dola resem?bles Sheet?a—which? is proba?bly on purpo?se。   《天空之城》中年轻的朵?拉看起来很?像希达——也许是有意?为之。 the older? Dola   But, the old lady from Spiri?ted Away resem?bles the older? Dola from Castl?e in the Sky。   但是老年版?的朵拉就像?《千与千寻》中的汤婆婆?。 grann?y Sophi?e   And both of those? chara?cters? kind of look like grann?y Sophi?e from Howls Movin?g Castl?e. Kind of。   《哈尔的移动?城堡》的老年版苏?菲和上面两?位看上去也?差不多。 Haku   This light?-haire?d page from Howls Movin?g Castl?e looks? like Haku from Spiri?ted Away。   《哈尔的移动?城堡》中女巫的侍?童和《千与千寻》中的白非常?相似。 Sophi?e VS Nausi?ca?   Gray-haire?d Sophi?e from Howls Movin?g Castl?e looks? like Nausi?ca? from Nausi?ca? of the Valle?y of the Wind。   白色短发版?本的苏菲和?《风之谷》的娜乌西卡?很像。 Fio VS Ursul?a   Fio from Porco? Rosso? looks? like Ursul?a from Kikis Deliv?ery Servi?ce。   《红猪》中的菲奧和?《魔女宅急便?》中的乌露丝?拉非常像。 Markl? VS Ponyo?   Appre?ntice? Markl? from Howls Movin?g Castl?e looks? like Ponyo? from, uh, Ponyo?。   《哈尔的移动?城堡》中学徒马鲁?克和《悬崖上的金?鱼公主》中的波妞很?像。 Satsu?ki VS Kiki VS Sheet?a   Satsu?ki from My Neigh?bor Totor?o looks? like Kiki from Kikis Deliv?ery Servi?ce and Sheet?a from Castl?e in the Sky. Or maybe? its the other? way aroun?d? Which?ever!   从左至右分?别为《龙猫》中的草壁五?月、《魔女宅急便?》中的琪琪以?及《天空之城》中的希达。或者是倒过?来?晕了! Kamaj?i   Kamaj?i from Spi


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