英语 十天内词汇量突破20000带翻译精选.doc

英语 十天内词汇量突破20000带翻译精选.doc

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英语 十天内词汇量突破20000带翻译精选

Vocabulary Since 1999/2/20 Written by Baker A Bedlamite. 本版教程为毕克所著目的是在十天内提高单词量到20000,每6页为一天.借助于金山词霸矫正发音 学习要求是脱口背诵,每天学习6小时.建议在学习本教材的同时学习 Reading.doc 学习要求是熟读 Talking.doc 学习要求是脱口背诵 学完上述4项,应可完成英语素质教育第一阶段. 考取CCIE 以及 Ph.D Majored in Networking System, I swear. My Buddha almighty! Vocabulary Fundamental 1000 Vocabulary Foundamental.doc Vocabulary 5000 See Directory: Crack English for graduated Students english for guraduate student\ Vocabulary 10000 Lesson 1 A monument纪念碑 was built to commemorate纪念 the victory. The children huddled together for warmth. Censure责难 is sometimes harder to bear than punishment. The new vaccine牛痘的,疫苗 eradicated画着根的(has gone,establish,消除) all traces of the disease within three months. The barbarians野蛮人 defiled污染 the church by using it as a stable. The pregnant怀孕的 woman has an enlarged abdomen腹部. The lost hikers徒步旅行者 were bereft丧失 of hope when the rescue plane did not see them. The children were bereaved丧失 的 by the death of their parents. This battlefield is consecrated神圣的 to the memory of the soldiers who died here. A good joke does not necessarily evoke引起 a hearty laugh. Wheels left grooves最佳状态 in a muddy dirt road. The old car jolted摇晃 its passengers badly as it went over the rough粗糙的 road. Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete陈旧的 custom. Many wild animals prowl 巡游at night looking for something to eat. The children scooped 舀取,挖, 掘, 挖出holes in the sand. Diplomats外交官 are interested in the status情况 of world affairs. The farmer sued控告 the railroad station火车站 because his cow was killed by the train. The counter of the sink水槽 has many grooves凹槽 along which the water will run off. The cat prowled around the cellar地窖 looking for mice老鼠. We all sympathized with同情 the husband who was bereaved丧失 of his beloved wife. Her singing evoked引起 admiration钦佩, 赞美, 羡慕 from the public. We still use this machine though it is obsolete荒废的, 陈旧的. The bandit强盗 in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed武装. either alone or in a group. Ch


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