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The Unite?d Kingd?om of Great? Brita?in and North?ern Irela?nd Chapt?er 1 Geogr?aphy, Peopl?e and Langu?age 全名: the Unite?d Kingd?om of Great? Brita?in(大不列颠联?合王国) and North?ern Irela?nd(北爱尔兰) . 由成千上万?的小岛组成?(the Briti?sh Isles?). 两大岛屿:Great? Brita?in(大不列颠) and Irela?nd(爱尔兰) The River? Thame?s (secon?d longe?st and most impor?tant), origi?nates?(起源于) in south?weste?rn Engla?nd -----North? Sea. Scotl?and ( Edinb?urgh爱?丁堡 ) impor?tant river?:Clyde? River? kilts?(苏克兰小短?裙) Wales?( Cardi?ff加迪夫?,著名港口 ). The Sever?n River? is the longe?st river? of Brita?in------flow throu?gh weste?rn Engla?nd. North?ern Irela?nd (Belfa?st贝尔法?斯特,首府) Lough? Neagh?----the large?st lake in the Briti?sh Isles?. Clima?te: tempe?rate, with warm summe?rs, cool winte?rs and plent?iful preci?pitat?ion(降雨量),冬暖夏凉,降雨充沛 Three? major? featu?res: winte?r fog, rainy? day, insta?bilit?y 冬天多雾,常年多雨,天气不定 Londo?n---Bucki?ngham? Palac?e(白金汉宫), Guild?hall (市政厅), St. Paul’s Cathe?dral(圣保罗大教?堂), The Tower? Bridg?e of Londo?n(伦敦塔桥) The major?ity of the popul?ation? is desce?ndant?s of the Anglo?-Saxon?s, a Germa?nic peopl?e from Europ?e.大部分的人?口是盎格鲁?-撒克逊人的?后裔,从欧洲来的?日耳曼人 Most peopl?e in Wales? and Scotl?and are desce?ndant?s of the Celti?c peopl?e, inclu?ding the Irish? peopl?e威尔士和?苏格兰的大?多数人都是?凯尔特人的?后裔,包括爱尔兰?人 Engli?sh belon?gs to the Indo-Europ?ean famil?y of langu?ages. Engli?sh is in the Germa?nic group?.英语属于日?耳曼语语系? Germa?nic group?: East Germa?nic, North? Germa?nic, West Germa?nic. Engli?sh evolv?ed from the West Germa?nic group?.日耳曼语系?:东日耳曼语?,北日耳曼语?,西日耳曼语?。英语从西日?耳曼语中发?展。 1、Old Engli?sh: was influ?enced? by Old Norse? spoke?n by the Vikin?gs and was relat?ed to the Germa?n and Dutch? langu?ages.受古代维京?人所说的古?斯坎德纳威?亚语影像并?和德语法语?密切相关.was ended? with the Norma?n Conqu?est, when the langu?age was influ?ence by the Frenc?h-speak?ing Norma?ns.古英语时代?结束于说法?语的诺曼人?的征服 2、Middl?e Engli?sh: Willi?am the Conqu?eror invad?ed and conqu?ered and the Anglo?-Saxon?s (Numer?ous Frenc?h wor


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