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Aphorisms and Proverbs 格言、谚语、警句 说明: 谚语翻译以直译为主(保持原作风姿和异域情调),意译为辅(传达内涵引申义,帮助理解)。谚语翻译要注意民族性即民族特色,汉译时不宜过分汉化,即为追求“顺”与“地道”而夹带具有汉民族鲜明特色的专名、典故与成语;同时要注意适当的口语化。 他喜欢在作文中引用谚语。He likes to quote proverbs in his compositions.谚语说,早起的鸟有食吃。As the saying goes the early bird catches the worm.在这一方面我记得有一句谚语。In this connection I remember a proverb. pearls of wisdom 至理名言 PA good maxim is never out of season. 好箴言永远不过时。 A good quotation is never out of season. 至理名言永不过时。 A great man’s foolish sayings pass for wise ones. 大人物的傻话常被当做明智的格言。 A proverb has contents of gold. 谚语里有黄金。 A proverb is an ornament to language. 谚语为语言增色。 All old proverbs are spread abroad. 古老的谚语四海流传。 All old sayings have something in them. 古老的谚语都有一些道理。 There is something wise in every proverb. 每条谚语都有哲理。 Old proverbs are the children of truth. 古老的谚语是真理的产儿。 Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。 Proverbs are so called because they are proved. 谚语经过检验,里面包含真理。 Proverbs are the echoes of experience. 谚语是经验的回声。 Proverbs are the people’s wisdom. 谚语是人民的智慧。 Proverbs are the wisdom of the ages. 谚语是时代的智慧。 The proverb comes from the intellect, and the intellect from the proverb. 智慧出谚语,谚语出智慧。 That a proverb is to speech what salt to food. 交谈用谚语犹如菜肴加食盐。 What flowers are to gardens, spices to food, gems to a garment, and stars to heaven, such are proverbs interwoven(交织) in speech. 言谈用谚语犹如花园开鲜花,食品加香料,衣服配装饰,天空现繁星。 In a proverb you buy with your ears a good lesson at the cheapest price. 听谚语可得到教益,所付出的代价十分低。 Nothing tells us more of the spirit of a people than its proverbs. 一个民族的谚语最能说明这个民族的精神。 Patch grief with proverbs. 用谚语平息悲伤。 A A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. 吃亏的和解强如赢了的诉讼。(指诉讼有消耗时间及金钱的麻烦。) A bad conscience is a snake in ones heart. 做贼心虚。 A bad excuse is better than none. 强辩总好过不辨。 A bad padlock invites a picklock. 开门揖盗。(给人可乘之机。) A bad penny always comes back/turns up. 缺损的便士总会被人发现。(工作不努力,处处会碰壁。) A bad man in office is a mischief to the public. 坏人当官,公众受害。 A bad thing never dies. 坏事遗臭万年。 A bad thing is dear at a



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