第一册(上) Unit5 The silver screen.ppt

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4.After that it still took seven years before they finally got_married. [信息提取] get married结婚。 [例句仿写] 他们结婚十年了。 It’s ten years________ ________ ________ ________. 【答案】 since they got married 1.The old lady offered a $50________to the kid in the neighborhood who had helped to find her dear cat. A.reward         B.award C.prize D.praise scene n. (1)(发生事件的)现场 They rushed to the scene of the traffic accident. 他们火速赶到车祸的现场。 (2)光景,景色,风景 The scene of children playing happily in the garden disappeared after sunset.日落之后,孩子们在花园高兴玩耍的景象消失了。 (3)背景 The scene of that movie is set in Paris in the 1920’s. 那部电影以20世纪20年代的巴黎为背景。 (4)场景 The last scene of the play was very moving. 那出戏的最后场面非常令人感动。 【scene,scenery,view与sight】 (1)scene表示“景色”“风景”时,指所见之物,亦可表示动态或静止的室内或室外的场景,常被当做一个整体而看的景色。 Do you remember the scene in the play where Susan meets Alan for the first time? 你记不记得剧中苏珊第一次遇见阿伦的那个场面? (2)scenery不可数名词,指天然景色、景致、景物。 We passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey through the Lake District. 我们在穿越美国湖泊区的旅途中,看到了不少美丽的景色。 (3)view可数名词,主要指从某处看到的东西或景象,有时也指“风景”,尤指自然美景(fine natural scenery)。如: You’ll get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill. 从山顶上你可以相当清楚地看到城镇的全景。 (4)sight指某一地区值得观看游览的、具有特色的建筑物、风景、名胜。 The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world.长城是世界上惊人的景观之一。 2.Seeing the happy________of children playing in the park,I’m full of confidence in the future of our country. A.scene B.chance C.view D.sign 【解析】 scene景色,场景;chance机会;view从某处看到的景色;sign迹象,根据句意应选A项。 3.(2007年安徽卷)The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common________in many parts of the city. A.look B.sign C.sight D.appearance 【解析】 句意为:在大街上挂衣服在城市里许多地方很常见。look表情,样子;sign迹象;sight景象;appearance外表,故选C。 4.A car crash happened at the crossing and the police have arrived at the________of the accident. A.sight B.view C.scene D.scenery 【解析】 the scene of the accident事故现场。 5.(2008年四川卷)You have to________a choice.Are you going to leave the job or stay? A.decide B.get


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