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2011年10月16日美国总统奥巴马16日亲自为中国雕塑家雕塑的马丁·路德·金纪念碑揭幕,并发表演讲:“我们将超越!” 讲话呼吁美国人“团结”,继续金心目中的梦想。他还有感而发,希望国人继续挑战华尔街的过分做法,但不要妖魔化那里所有的工作人员。 马丁·路德金是美国历史上著名的黑人民权领袖,他为美国黑人追求平等权利献出了生命。这也为日后奥巴马成功入主白宫铺平了道路,因此纪念马丁·路德金对黑人总统奥巴马而言,意义特殊。 ? ?? ?这座雕像的作者是中国雕塑家雷宜锌,他的方案是从全世界52个国家2000多位雕塑家的900多个方案中脱颖而出的。 ? ?? ?当天,第一夫人米歇尔、副总统拜登及其夫人吉尔以及马丁·路德·金的家人也参加了揭幕仪式。组织者估计有5万人参加了这次纪念活动。THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. (Applause.) Thank you. (Applause.) Please be seated. An earthquake and a hurricane may have delayed this day, but this is a day that would not be denied. For this day, we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s return to the National Mall. In this place, he will stand for all time, among monuments to those who fathered this nation and those who defended it; a black preacher with no official rank or title who somehow gave voice to our deepest dreams and our most lasting ideals, a man who stirred our conscience and thereby helped make our union more perfect. And Dr. King would be the first to remind us that this memorial is not for him alone. The movement of which he was a part depended on an entire generation of leaders. Many are here today, and for their service and their sacrifice, we owe them our everlasting gratitude. This is a monument to your collective achievement. (Applause.) Some giants of the civil rights movement ?- like Rosa Parks and Dorothy Height, Benjamin Hooks, Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth ?- they’ve been taken from us these past few years. This monument attests to their strength and their courage, and while we miss them dearly, we know they rest in a better place. And finally, there are the multitudes of men and women whose names never appear in the history books ?- those who marched and those who sang, those who sat in and those who stood firm, those who organized and those who mobilized ?- all those men and women who through countless acts of quiet heroism helped bring about changes few thought were even possible. “By the thousands,” said Dr. King, “faceless, anonymous, rel


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