交互英语book1Unit 4.ppt

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Unit 4 Environment Reading strategies -- 1 1. Using background knowledge to help us understand a reading Read on P. 57 to learn the strategy. Background information: What is water recycling? Water recycling is the reuse of treated waste water. A common type of recycled water is water that has been reclaimed from municipal wastewater, or sewage. Other terms for water recycling are water reclamation and water reuse. Uses include: Groundwater recharge Landscape and agricultural irrigation Ecosystem restoration Industrial processes Preparation A word game: The class is divided into several groups. Each group is required to speak (or write) out as many words or expressions as possible in 3 minutes of different kinds of “water” (or “environment”). Don’t worry about spelling or grammar. But if the expression may cause confusion, it won’t be counted. The group with the most expressions wins. Words for reference wastewater, ground water, drinking water, treated water potable water, bottled water, purified water, hot spring, spring water, rain water, sea water, regular water salt water, tear, sweat; sweet water, sugar water, clean water, distilled water, mineral water cold water, hot water, ice water, boiled (boiling) water wash, brush, flash, splash, bubble, pour, spoil, flow, wave fountain, waterfall, stream, river, sea, lake, well, canal water resources (supplies, shortage, treatment, use), wastewater system Words for reference pollutant, air (noise, water, white, visual) pollution, car exhaust, waste water discharge, sand storm, deforestation, greenhouse effect, global warming, industrial emissions, acid rain, environmental degradation, ecosystem, environment friendly, solar (wind) energy, recycling, soil and water reservation, energy-saving, sustainable development, wildlife reserves, keep the balance of nature, endangered species, conservation of water and soil, Oral activity (optional) Pair work: Please discuss with your partner the following questi


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