新视野大学英语读写教程第三册Unit Bill Gates 讲义.ppt

新视野大学英语读写教程第三册Unit Bill Gates 讲义.ppt

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新视野大学英语读写教程第三册Unit Bill Gates 讲义

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 全力以赴: 我国正全力进行着地震灾区的重建工作。 in high gear Back 短 语 逆 译 短 语 应 用 quake-hit area / rebuild China is working in high gear to rebuild the quake-hit area. 意 群 提 示 N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 * 谈到;关于······: 关于加薪问题,我们要依据你的实际表现来决定。 on the subject of Back 短 语 逆 译 短 语 应 用 salary increase / based on sb’s real performance / make one’s decision On the subject of salary increase, we need to make our decision based on your real performance. 意 群 提 示 N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 * 为了······起见: 为了我们的后代,请务必节约不可再生资源。 in the interest of 短 语 逆 译 短 语 应 用 future generations / see to it that …/ save on non-renewable resources In the interest of our future generations, please see to it that you would save on non-renewable resources. 意 群 提 示 N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 Back * 匆匆作出;草草做完: 他惟恐与女朋友约会迟到,便匆匆写好老板交代的报告,连第二遍都来不及看。 to bat out Back 短 语 逆 译 短 语 应 用 for fear of / be late for the date with sb. / take a second glance For fear of being late for the date with his girlfriend, he batted out the report assigned by the boss without even taking a second glance. 意 群 提 示 N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 * 一连串的/一系列的: 一连串自然灾害并没吓倒伟大的中华民族,反而使其更坚强。 a procession of/a series of 短 语 逆 译 短 语 应 用 natural disasters / daunt sb. / render sb. firmer and stronger than ever A procession of natural disasters did not daunt the great Chinese nation, but rendered her firmer and stronger than ever. 意 群 提 示 N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 Back * 艰难地走: 他准备不惜一切代价爬到职业生涯的顶峰。 to claw one’s way Back 短 语 逆 译 短 语 应 用 at any price / the top of the career ladder He is ready to claw his way, at any price, to the top of the career ladder. 意 群 提 示 N H C E 新视野 - 短 语 活 用 * 给······垫定了基石: 你在大学期间积累的知识将为你日后在职业上走向成功奠定坚实的基础。 to lay bricks in the foundation of Back 短 语 逆 译 短 语 应 用 accumulate knowledge / during college period / one’s future success in career The knowledge you accumulated during college period will lay bricks in the solid foundation of your future success in


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