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Thomas Hardys Fatalism embodied in Tess of DUrbervillesAbstract Thomas Hardy is unique as a novelist in the history of English literature. He focuses on the poor’s fate and animadverts the world, reveals the evil of society. His novels are full of fatalism. In his masterpiece, Tess of the D′Urbervilles ,the description of Tess in Tess′s fate is even more conspicuous. This paper focus on the formation of Hardy’s fatalism from the historical backgroundVictorian age, the family background the backward and patriarchal village, and the social thoughtsDarwins Evolutionism and Schopenhauer’s tragic sense, makes an analysis of the course of Hardys fatalism and its limitation .According to Hardys writing technique: coincidence and foreshow to tell Tess’s fate is inevitable. To note ,as Hardy’s own socio-economic changes and the resulting huge does not understand the great changes in people’s lives, it can not find scientific theory to explain the change ,so he add this phenomena to the arrangement of fatalism and according to Tess shown in the novel.Key words: fatalism; coincidence ; foreshow; inevitable托马斯哈代的宿命论在苔丝中的体现 摘要托马斯哈代作为一名小说家在英国文学史上的地位是独一无二的,他非常关注穷人的命运,无情的批判现实世界,揭露社会主义的黑暗面。他的小说中充满了宿命论思想,这一点在他的名著《苔丝》中描述苔丝的命运时尤为突出。本文通过从哈代生活的社会背景和家庭背景以及当时的社会主要思潮—达尔文的进化论,叔本华的悲观主义等着手,论述了哈代宿命论思想体系形成原因及其局限性。哈代运用一系列的巧合和预示来说明苔丝的命运是无法避免的。从而说明,由于哈代对自己所处的社会经济的巨大变化及由此引起人们生活的巨大变化的不理解,又得不到科学的理论来解释这一变化,从而把这些现象归结于宿命的安排,并通过苔丝表现出来。 关键词:宿命论;巧合;预示;必然Contents1. Hardy’s background and his creation of life formation…………..12. About fatalism and Hardy’s fatalism……………………………1 2.1 About fatalism and it′s definition …………………………12.2 Hardy’s Fatalism…………………………………………23. The Course of Hardy’s Fatalism…………………………………23.1 The Effect of His Family……………………………………23.2 The Effect of Social Reform…………………………………23.3 The Effect of Darwin and Schopenhauer’s thoughts ………..34. The Embodiment of Hardy’s Fatalism……………………………..34.1 The Coincidence of Events………………………………………34.2 The Foreshows of Events ……………………………………….55. The inevitabl


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