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Unit 3 How was your school trip? 一、重点短语: go for a walk 去散步 milk a cow 挤牛奶 ride a horse 骑马 feed chickens 喂鸡 talk with 和……交谈 take photos 拍照 show…around 带领……参观 in the countryside 在农村 go fishing 去钓鱼 go to the zoo 去动物园 climb the mountains 爬山 visit a museum 参观博物馆 fire station 消防站 draw picture 画画 science museum 科学博物馆 by train 乘火车 in all 一共;总共 be interested in 对……感兴趣 not…at all 一点也不 quite a lot 相当多 learn about 了解 grow strawberries 种植草莓 pick strawberries 采草莓… 从……到…… at night 在夜晚 come out 出来 along the way 沿线 a lot of 许多;大量 buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 go on a school trip 去学校郊游 after that 之后 all in all 总的来说 二、词汇辨析 1. farm. farmer , farm 可数名词 农场 He works on the farm. farmer 可数名词 农民,农场主 He is a farmer. farm 动词 务农,种田 He is farming on the farm. farming 名词 务农,农场经营 He is good at farming. , 2.worry, worried worry 动词 担心,担忧 worry about… worried 形容词 担心的 be worried about… 3.milk milk 名词 牛奶 drink milk milk 动词 挤奶 milk a cow 4. too many, too much ,much too too much +不可数名词 太多 He has too much homework to do. too many +可数名词 太多 My mother bought too many eggs yesterday. much too +形容词 太,非常 5. 不定代词: something 某物,某事 常用于肯定句中 I have something to do. anything 任何事物,任何东西 常用于否定句和疑问句 Do you anything to do. nothing 什么事都没有 表示否定 nothing= not …anything I have nothing to do. everything 所有事物,一切 其后的谓语动词用单数 Everything is OK. 注:1.在表示请求,建议或征求意见的疑问句中常用something。 2. 形容词放在不定代词之后 Eg. something interesting 6. hear, listen to hear 听到,听见 强调听的结果 I can’t hear you. listen to 听 强调听的动作 Listen to me. 7. –ing, 修饰事物 exciting adj 使人兴奋的 interesting adi. 用来修饰事物 an interesting film - ed 修饰人 excited adj 兴奋的,激动的 interested adj. 用来修饰人,而不是物, sb.+be interested in.. 三、重点句型 1. How was yo


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