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精神问诊 Mental Interview The Science of Observation 两种问诊方式:积极主动询问式(Active, Intrusive)与观察感受思考式(Observe, Perceive, Take in) 在问诊的最初几分钟内要采取主动的问诊,记录必要的信息。(Active vigilance during the first few minutes) 然后进入问诊的平台期(Even-hovering attention ) 注意倾听(Listen and attending) 多听少记(Note taking is not encouraged) 善于疑问,不要冒然下结论(Skeptical inquiry and nonjudgmental: ‘Not being myself) 从交谈中了解患者的性格特点(Conclusion. temperament, coping style) 问诊三步曲 The A.R.T of Interviewing (Assessment)了解基本情况,初步做出评估。 (大约需3~10 分钟) 环境安静、外界影响较少(Quiet and private place ) 以开放式交谈为主(Open-ended beginning: invitation, clue) 让患者自由交谈,暂不限制谈话内容。(Nondirective) (Ranking )根据精神检查的内容,逐步询问。 要事先构想询问顺序,详细询问主要症状。(Order, focus on chief complaint) (Transition)转移话题,初步指导, 结束谈话 (Tell the patient when and why to change subject) 问诊技巧 Specific interviewing techniques-1 关注患者,营造舒适氛围(Pay attention to the patient’s comfort) 理解为本(Remember the basics: Understanding) 一次提一个问题(Don’t ask two questions at the same time ) 开放式提问优于封闭式提问(An open-ended question ) 少问用“是 ”或“否”来回答的问题(Don’t ask question calling for negative answers) 避免武断(Avoid being judgmental) 善用诱导性语言(Make liberal use of facilitating remarks) ,如我明白、继续 善于追问(Ask for clarification ),如你能解释清楚点吗。 问诊技巧 Specific interviewing techniques-2 谈话中交流自己的感受(Don’t be afraid to be yourself: echo, touch) 鼓励患者释放情绪(Encourage the expression of feeling) 注意患者的年龄阶段(Consider the patient in developmental terms) 记住患者是弱势群体(Remember that the patient is more scared) 站在患者的立场思考问题(Tell the patient what you think he or she is feeling ) 问诊技巧 Specific interviewing techniques-3 可以通过重复患者最后一句话来避免尴尬,使中断的谈话继续(When an interview bogs down , try repeating the patient’s last words) 敢于问一些难于启齿的问题,如有没有想过自杀、有无吸毒、性生活等(Go ahead and ask the “ unaskable”)。 学会适当的沉默(Learn to be quiet) 患者在难于释怀的情绪中沉默时,陪他一起沉默( When a patient falls silent, be silent too.) 注意患者的肢体语言(Pay attention to body language) 与口语不同,肢体语言极少“撒谎”。(Unlike the tongue, the body seldom lies.) 全面询问,抓住重点(Star broadly and then focus in) 先全面了解(3-10 minutes for open-ended as


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