航天恒星科技有限公司市场管理体系分析-analysis of the market management system of aerospace star technology co., ltd..docx
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航天恒星科技有限公司市场管理体系分析-analysis of the market management system of aerospace star technology co., ltd.
AbstractWit h the developme nt of aerospace industry and the coming o f space economy, applicat ions of satellite, one of the natio nal strategic emerging industr ies, have been developing rapid ly. Space Star Techno logy CO . Ltd is t he company that concentrates on the research of satellites, manufacturers of satellite applicatio n system and equip ment and services of satellite operations. So it is the good opportunit y for Space Star Techno logy CO. Ltd to deve lop career in applicatio ns of satellite ind ustry. However, the proble ms of customer ma inte nance and access to infor mant ion have come out as the fast deve lopment of business contr ibutes to the increasing amount of daily communicat ion and project tracking. At the same t ime, the tradit io nal mana ge ment of maketing is no longer fit or even hinder the developme nt of our company s ince our company have stretched to three ma in market inc luding militar y market, civil market and internat iona l market. So it tur ns out to be the time to change our market mana geme nt system by changing the market manage ment syste m in order to improve sales effic iency and expand market.Starting fro m the overa ll effect of team a nd improve ment o f marketin g, this paper divides the organizat ion struct ure from t he perspectives of civil and military. Meanw hile, the paper also adjusts customer ’s partit ion, organizatio n, personne l ma nage ment, post setting and special service manage ment w hich eventua lly from t he new manage ment syste m suitable for the rapid deve lopment of bus iness and the trend of market economy. All these enable the company to improve its abilit y accomp lishing market strategic objectives. This study can also provide a case for some similar enterprises whic h need to make appropriate adjust ments for the ir own enterprises.Key wo rds : market manage ment syste m, organizat iona l struct ure, market sector; perfor mance appraisa l目 录摘 要............................
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